What is the dumbest thing you’ve heard?

@atyar Mine are biracial too half black half white my girl is almost fair compared to my boy. She's the lightest of my 3 kids. I anticipate more comments about this as they get older and aren't together all the time.
@zacdaviid3 Same here. One twin is BLONDE with mostly straight hair (I’m not even blonde 😂 I have auburn hair) and as fair skinned as I am. The other twin and our toddler have dark brown, extremely curly hair and more olive-colored skin. They are all super light in comparison to my husband, so I guess my vampire genes came through STRONG lol
@schawinga I had bald little egg children until they were about 2yo. Around 18m I had my daughter in this cute little blue sundress and some stranger comes up and says I'm cruel for putting my "son" in a dress just because I wanted a girl. When I said "well no, they're girl/boy fraternal twins, she's just blonde and bald" they responded that twins are only ever two boys or two girls and I was just mad I got two boys.

Ok sure you absolute cuckoo.
@schawinga Are they identical? I have boy/girl fraternal twins. It’s amazing how many people don’t know basic human biology.

Also the people that go on and on about how their husband has twins in their family. That they want twins, etc. No man can make you ovulate multiple eggs unless he’s shooting out clomid lol!
@ffm1967 This! My husband's grandfather was a twin, but there is no family history of twins on my side. Everyone attributes it to his genes, but I don't think anyone is really stopping to think about how that would actually work lol. I tried to explain ovulation vs egg splitting to my conservative grandfather and based on his reaction I might as well have been describing what 69ing is
@katrina2017 Omg, this. My husband's dad was a twin and I think his grandpa was as well, or some other male relative. His dad mentioned how he knew we'd have twins cause of that. Sir, twins don't run in my family and I have none of the common contributing factors for twins. I hyper ovulated. Your son didn't change science. At least give me the credit I deserve
@ffm1967 We get this a lot with our b/g twins, too. Our most recent version of it, a woman actually argued with me that they are because they look similar.

Similar in the sense that they are siblings, ma’am… but no, I assure you, there are some key differences.
@ffm1967 My exact experience. I hate going into a biology lesson every time when it comes to the “do twins run in his family” question.

I don’t care how attractive a man is, he cannot make you drop multiple eggs at once. My ovaries just did that because they enjoy chaos apparently.
@ffm1967 We had a neighbor ask this and we were taken aback for a second and then just said no….like my guy, they’re b/g, how would they be identical?
@schawinga Several times: “Are they maternal or fraternal?”

And asked of them at a Walmart checkout, when they were in 9th grade or so: “Which one is the evil twin?” (they were not impressed by this question)