What happens if I never sleep train my baby?

She used to sleep beside us in her pack n play. But now at almost 8 months she screams if I try to put her into it. I always try because I prefer she sleeps in there. But by midnight the past two weeks she’s in our bed for the night (used to be 5 am).
Maybe it’s the 8 month regression, I don’t know.
I still feed her to sleep too which I know the internet hates 😂. But my husband can get her to sleep on him with back pats while she sucks her thumb also.

Anyways regression or not, I am interested to hear your ideas or experiences as to where things might end up with my girl and her sleep.
@opinionsareopinions Most of the world doesn't even know what sleep training is or thinks it is a crazy concept if they did hear about it. Your kid will be fine if you don't sleep train. I didn't do any. My girl was the worst sleeper her first year, then at 13 months she miraculously started sleeping through the night and has ever since.
@timbohemia I just want to add that this doesnt have to be... my almost two year old still sleeps like a newborn.. wakeups every 1-2 hours and has always been this way. Yes we tried almost everything except cio.. it's just the way it is
@southernbbn I really really hope that applies to us. He's 29 months and still sleeping like a newborn. I'm trying not to lose hope but starting to feel desperate.
@ash1994 Hi I read your comment and created an account just to respond:)
I wanted to say...dont loose hope! My firstborn was waking constantly...bedsharing and breastfeeding on demand made it easier but was still incredibly difficult. However when he turned 4...he finally started sleeping through the night....he is a bedtime champion now! So amazing! Not sure if you believe in the spiritual world but after my experiences I do and I would say that there are dark forces that want you to doubt and fear...this isn't from God...2 Timothy 1:7 (bible)... my biggest advice is to pray...motherhood is a powerful ministry...and God will transform and bless you through this season of sacrifice and servitude but you have to draw close to Him. Thank You Jesus* Glory to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit forever! Hope this helps!
@annson Hey, thank you so much for responding. I am a Christian, too, and it's so nice to find some encouragement in the wild. I'll look forward to age 4 and also pray it comes a little sooner, haha.
@timbohemia It’s true. I always ask my cousin with two kids in Austria who is a psychiatrist and she says sleep training was imposed by Nazis and she would never put her kids through. My 2 yr old still sleeps in our bed while his own bed is next to ours. It’s tough at time but I know he’ll grow out of it…
@opinionsareopinions Every kiddo is different but I promise, one day she will sleep in her own bed ❤️ our 1.5 year old will go down just fine for Dad, but if I set him in his crib he cries. No clue why, so Dad handles bedtime 😂 be patient and you’ll figure out what works for you.
@opinionsareopinions We never sleep trained and at about 18 months, he started sleeping 7-7 in his own bed (we got our first full night at about a year). A year and half later and he's still going strong. Even my bed-sharing skeptical husband is grateful we never made him endure sleep training. He's a sensitive kid and it would have been awful for him. Now he will even ask to go to bed and just walks upstairs, listens to his story, and sleeps. Our doctor said that would never happen without sleep training and it annoys me so much that they try to scare people like that. These sleep training programs were invented in the last century; do they think babies never slept before that?
@intensecatharsis I have a 19 month old and I am at my wits end. I haven’t slept through the night in 19 months and it’s starting to show. She has slept with us since day one. It was amazing in the newborn stage, we all got such great sleep. Even through regressions and teething. At 12 months though, that all changed. She started to roll around the bed, demands to sleep on my arm. Sticks her fingers in my armpits for comfort. Pokes me and pinches my nose and ears and nipples all night long for comfort. Since I conditioned my body to wake for every movement during the infant stage, I am now the lightest sleeper ever. So every time she touches me I wake up. I don’t sleep for more than an hour at a time. I’m exhausted and irritated. Most of the time I can push through and still be a happy energetic present mom, but the past month has been horrible. I’m weepy and frustrated and I know it’s because my body needs sleep. I also work from home, and little one stays home with me. I do not have a village. I have asked my husband to start taking over getting her to sleep but she screams and screams if I am not the one to rock her to sleep. She will nap in her nursery on a floor bed, every day for anywhere between one to 2 hours, but as soon as she realizes I’m not next to her, she wakes up. I know we are not CIO people. But I also know I cannot go on like this. I need her to sleep 12 hours at night in her own sleep space. I cannot go on like this, but I don’t know how to even begin. She is so attached to me and needs me to hold her all day long. She still needs to feel me next to her, but I feel like a selfish person for needing my own space if only at night. I know others are saying they will sleep in their own bed eventually, but I don’t know about that or at least right now I can’t foresee that - for us.
@cubcadetlover My son was like this. You can’t go on like this. There are serious consequences of sleep deprivation, car accidents, even psychosis. But more importantly, it made me depressed and want to die. If you become like that, you are not going to be able to take care of your child. So changes have to be made. I would have him fall asleep in my arms then roll away. I started putting a small pillow between us when sleeping. At first he complained a little but I could still reach over and pet him. He also started holding a stuff animal for comfort instead of using me. It took time but he started falling asleep on the pillow. At bedtime he would just go to his side of the pillow. Of course sometimes he would come over to my side and wake me but it became less and less. It can happen, don’t lose hope. In the event of an airplane crash, you are supposed to put the mask on yourself first before your child because if you pass out, there is no one to take care of your child. Taking care of yourself is not selfish, it helps you be a better parent. If you get hurt or go crazy from sleep deprivation, your child will suffer. There is a reason sleep deprivation is used as a form of torture.