What’s the dumbest thing anyone ever said to you as a twin parent?

@nathann My wife gets them mostly, but my favourite was:

Rando: How cute, are they identical?

Wife: No, one is a boy and one is a girl.

Rando: Oh! I didn't know they could do that!
@nathann Outside a café an older lady stopped and started making small talk, starting out with the usual

Lady: Do you have two babies?
Me: Yes
Lady: are they twins?
Me: Yes
Lady: a boy and a girl?
Me: No two girls
Lady: ohh, did you give birth to them?
Me . . .

I’m guessing she meant if they were born by c-section, but seriously, why would I discuss the birth of my children with a random lady?
Maybe not dumb per se but I was a little taken aback.
Today I really would have wished that I had answered something along the lines of : No I bought them in a two for one sale.
@nathann Every single time I ran an errand with my twins people would tell me I had my hands full. When I told them my time out with my young twins was my free time because I also have two older children their eyes would bulge. People always asked if they are identical, even though it’s obvious that I had boy/girl twins. The good news is that now they are teenagers no one cares and doesn’t ask anything! My son is almost a foot taller than his twin sister, so they just look like siblings and people don’t know unless we tell them that they are twins.
@nathann My twins are 6 mo old fraternal girls and one is larger than the other. This guy working the register at a retail store asked me, “so you’re their mom right? Sooooo…how does that work?”

I had to explain what twins are, the different types, and how it works…🤦‍♀️
@nathann Just thought of an other one. This was while I was pregnant though. One of the most awful things someone has ever said to me.

TW - mention of miscarriage

After I told a co-worker I was expecting twins, she said 'oh, they found twins at my 6 week scan! But one disappeared at 8 weeks. I'm relieved that happened, I couldn't have handled twins' 😡😡😡
@nathann Oh, this things don’t bother me.

I didn’t know a thing, or really care to know a thing, about twins until I was told I was pregnant with my own set.

So, I can’t really fault others for asking “dumb” questions about them.

And sure - asking if they are identical when you have one of each sex is silly, but I think more often than not people are just trying to make conversation and not necessarily thinking through what they are asking.
@johnvladimir But none of us want to be talking to strangers. Especially if you're just gonna be asking stupid questions that really could have been covered in high school bio. We have twins and lots of shit to do. Make conversation with people who look like they're awake and want to talk, not with exhausted parents with screaming children.