What’s the dumbest thing anyone ever said to you as a twin parent?

@nathann The whole “ohh twins?!” comments when there’s clearly two babies relatively the same size and look alike. All the assumptions I needed help conceiving twins. Like nope, only help I had was their dad! I understand twins are common with IVF but they do happen without IVF.
@greg54 I shouldn’t of been surprised. They’re the 5th set of fraternal boys in my family. I still said a few swears when I found out at 18 weeks.
@nathann We tried a new ped today (did not like). She asked, “they’re not identical, right? They don’t look the same.” Like shouldn’t you, as the doctor, know that just bc they have some differences does not mean they aren’t identical. They have different head shapes. Anyway, not dumb but the other statement that enrages me is when old ladies come up to me and say, “I always wanted twins!” Like bitch, it’s not some cute photo op. These are real, human babies!
@nathann Someone asked me the other day, “are they twins?” We were in our car seat “pusher” as I call it. No mistaking they are the same age. I said nah, I found one in the parking lot. Lol.
@nathann When the babies were fairly young, like 3 or 4 months, I had them both in their stroller for nap time. A lady asks if they are twins, "yes." Then she asks if they are identical "We think so, but we aren't sure." Then she kinda looks real close at both of them and says "Fascinating, and their eyes are both closed. I wonder what genetics causes that to happen?" Ma'am its not like one or both of them are newborn kittens who are still blind, they are human babies who just happen to be taking a nap at the same.
@roneal Lady at the bank wanted to… insisted on trying to touch ours when they were babies. They start screaming and she just kept insisting banked love her as the their volume increased. We pulled the stroller away. Maybe others do but ours don’t!

Edit: my wife reminded me she grabbed one of their pacifiers and stuck it in their mouth. Like dude, when did you last wash your hands? We said they don’t like strangers and their screaming. Back off.
@nathann “I know exactly what you’re going through I have a toddler this age and….” Listen no the heck you don’t know what it’s like to have two babies at once. Yes all motherhood can be troubling but when people say that to me I just want to be like “have you tried soothing one screaming baby while rocking the one who is sleeping sound at the same time?!” Not easy.
@katrina2017 Mine are four now too!! They're currently asking everyone how old they are so they can tell everyone "I'm four years old. And in August I'm gonna be five years old! Mama is 'firty-free' and cries on my birthday."

Haven't mastered those 'th' sounds yet, and definitely have that magnet brain for the awkward shit, like how: "aww don't grow up! I'm gonna be so sad when you get older!" becomes "Mama's gonna cry on our birthday" 🤦‍♀️🙄🤦‍♀️
@nathann “Wish I could lay around and do nothing all day like Annie…”
- an opposing counsel to a Judge in a hearing on one of my cases while I was in my third week of hospitalized bed rest trying to keep my twins in.