Tipping Daycare Teachers

@johnsubira I’m a room mom for my son’s class. We also have 4 teachers in the room. 12 students.
I contacted all the other parents and we all put in $20 and got them a $50 gift card and a box of chocolates.
@johnsubira My toddy has his 2 main teachers technically, but spends some days in the other toddler class where there are 2 main teachers. He’s also really close with the teachers and floaters that are in the rooms for drop off in the AM. So that’s like 8+ people….
Needless to say we are buying the whole staff donuts/bagels and coffee. Its around 15 people right now and will be less than $150 for gourmet donuts from a local place. I’ll probably gift his 2 “main” teachers a little something extra.
@johnsubira My friend buys a party tray of sandwiches and feeds everyone lunch. Then she doesn't have to worry about every aide or teacher feeling included. She does cards too.
@johnsubira Daycare x 2 kids: We do a few things: we get Starbucks drinks (they let us know what they want) for all the teachers and then gift cards and a personal note and their favorite candy for the actual teachers assigned to their room!
@johnsubira I struggle with this every year! We have 10 teachers and 5 front desk staff so it ends up adding up quickly. This year I made zippered pouches for each teacher. I got fabric based on their hobbies/likes for each individual teacher. I included a nice note as well. I do nice gestures for teachers all year long. Get Starbucks drinks, snack/gift bags etc. so it’s not once and done for the year.
@johnsubira If you give cash, put it in an envelope with a card. I would be super uncomfortable (but grateful!) if a parent just handed me money. Plus I love cards, especially with a heartfelt note 🥰
@johnsubira We did holiday gifts for the three teachers plus two admin staff. $20 Target gift cards, box of chocolates, candle, and hand lotion each. Will probably just do money next year because my friend told me after the fact that all most of the teachers want is money.
@johnsubira In-home daycare, tuition is $2K/month. Both teachers and the owner are getting $100 in cash each. We started mid-year, so next year we may be more generous. My husband and I do not exchange gifts for each other and our toddler is 20 months so he has no idea what gifts are. We don't buy gifts for any adults in the family. I'm happy to be as generous as I can be with the daycare staff, who do the most important job for us.
@johnsubira I'm doing a personalized water bottle and a $20 gift card for my daughter 2 daycare teachers and swim instructor. Also sending bagels/cream cheese & butter for breakfast one day. We don't have much so this is is what we can give. I would hope they don't expect it but appreciate what they do get.
@johnsubira I do $50 target gift cards for the main teachers and $25 for the floater teachers. I also got $25 gift cards for the two teachers my daughter used to have because they were so amazing. If the list of favorites has a restaurant you could always do a gift card for there
@johnsubira Just tip what you can, what you feel is appropriate and don’t blame your employer. They’re daycare workers, they get a paycheck every week like you do. Good grief, can we just live our lives and make decisions for ourselves?
@johnsubira I think leads and assistants who are in the classroom same amount of time as the lead should get more that floaters. Floaters go around to different rooms and will get more gifts that way too. Leads create lessons and plan and spend more time and are usually more investment into your child than floaters and deserve the recognition IMO coming from a former teacher. (Also I never expected a gift from a family but it was really common. My favorite gift to date was a batch of homemade cookies with pictures of the child making those exact cookies and a Christmas card where the mom wrote a really heartfelt message about how good of a teacher I was, etc.)