Daycare says Cloth Diapers Uncomfortable

@iamlu05 Yeah, I was having a lot of seizures and we did about 2 weeks of full time disposables. Baby cries and takes them off. He is way happier in cloth.
@trevorkian My daughter is 3.5 and has been fully potty trained for a year. She also has a baby brother, who is wearing the same cloth diapers she wore. She is in a baby phase lately, always pretending she's a baby. Sometimes she asks to wear a diaper. I'll give in even though it seems that certainly that would feel less comfortable than her soft, thin cotton undies? I've asked, "isn't the diaper uncomfortable?" Nope! She'll happily wear it until she realizes it's annoying that she can't take it off to go potty independently. Honestly, that's all I need to know. My fully sentient, 100% able to communicate 3.5 year old will happily and comfortably wear a bulky cloth diaper. The baby is fine.
@trevorkian Wow, this is rude. My husband thought the same thing. I finally got fed up with it and said fine, let’s put him in disposables. Baby was in them for a month with no crawling, then went back to cloth for a few weeks and started crawling. Made zero difference.

Like others have said, did baby development jump forward a few months after the introduction to disposable diapers? No.
@pope66 I was a skeptic, but having tried both, I 1000% prefer cloth pads to disposables. Yeah the cloth is bulkier. But the breathability and texture comfort are absolutely unmatched. I've actually started only buying natural fabric clothes for the most part too since learning more about fabrics through cloth diaper research. I am so much more comfortable and less sweaty and smelly all of the time.
@charity1 The bulkiness might be what is inhibiting her babies movement though. I know I have a few I can’t use anymore once they’re out of the potato stage due to bulk.
@wren84 It isn’t. I had my daughter hit every physical-based milestone “early” (on the early end of normal), in extremely bulky cloth. Crawled at 3 months, stood at 6, walked at 8.
@vinolia It’s almost like every baby is different or something :eek:! What didn’t inhibit your baby might inhibit another. color me shocked

Take note of how I said could be. It could be, could not be. You’re aggressively saying “it isn’t” like it’s fact. Because of your one anecdotal story. You have no clue if it is or isn’t. Some of my diapers absolutely are too bulky for my kids to move around comfortably.
@wren84 No. It couldn’t be. My baby didn’t have some superhuman legs or muscles. This is like when people said “well my doctor said that I don’t have to wear a mask because oxygen depleted for me” — nobody’s doctor said that because it isn’t how science works. Masks don’t just decide who to pass oxygen to and who not to, just like diapers don’t decide who to inhibit from walking and who to allow.
@vinolia Lol whaaaaat. Every babies anatomy is different. Your experience doesn’t discount mine. My baby absolutely couldn’t move freely in some of my cloth diapers. Could be the case with ops baby too.
@trevorkian Cloth diapers should not impact any development milestones and if he’s uncomfortable, I would ask them what’s happening. We recently had to strip our diapers from what our daycare told us, but if you LO is uncomfortable it could also be that they are not changing him enough. It’s definitely worth asking about.
@trevorkian I would be emailing the director and asking for clarification around their policies and EXACTLY what behaviours are making them think your baby is uncomfortable
@ratchet30 The parent can also revoke consent about using sposies on the baby. In the baby room, parent is king and sometimes staff would need to do things we thought were dumb just because the parent said so (looking at you, parent who demanded we change outfit after nap and going outside.) Other age groups don't have to give in nearly as much.
@trevorkian This is a daycare problem and not a problem with cloth or your child's development. For info, we have used cloth since 3 months old and he was walking at 9 months. I say this because my husband had the same concern as your daycare. All children develop at their own pace. I'd say make sure they're putting them on properly because that might be where the discomfort they're seeing stems from, if it even exists!
@trevorkian Cloth diapers don't impact development. My kids are in cloth diapers all day and in disposable only at night. We have met all goals till date. OP, i would suggest changing your daycare.
@trevorkian Keep an eye on what staff member is reporting your baby is uncomfortable in CD. And ask!! Say this isn't an issue at home and you'd like to make sure they're putting the diapers on right. It does sound like they are either putting the diaper on wrong or they're getting lazy about putting cloth diapers on baby.