Tipping Daycare Teachers

@johnsubira everyone get the same gift adjusted to their preference. $20-$25/per person, candle, a card, and some chocolate is our plan. Don't gift more/less depends on person it create a 'rift'.

Last year we did $50-100 per person and after my wife speak to people decided that we were gifting too much.
@johnsubira I’m giving my daughter primary teacher $25 this year, and the two other teachers she’s with $20. I’m skipping the gift card and going for cash. May be tacky, but it’s less limiting and I don’t see the point of adding another step to spend the money. We have had a rough financial year, so I’m hoping to give them a larger gift when she graduates pre-k. Not to say $25 isn’t a lot, but my daughters daycare teacher is fucking amazing.
@johnsubira I gave a 40-50$ gift to my sons main teacher then gifted the entire office big boxes of chocolates and a card he signed. I felt guilty like I should of gotten everyone something but there is simply too many people. The main teacher & assistant teacher are the ones that I think should get a thoughtful gift. The floaters/student teachers ect should get something small/shareable. They were so grateful for the chocolate, I got emails, and thank yous for the rest of the week!
@johnsubira I have two kids, two main teachers per kid and I gift each a pack of gum, a thank you card and $50 cash. My kids LOVE their teachers and the teachers are a great influence on my kids so it’s important to me to include them in our holiday budget.
@an_iu_guy Oh! Hahha it’s just like a little holiday snowman gum packet that I taped the card to so that I didn’t forget or lose the cards! I slip little handmade kid scribble papers in there too. Sometimes a lotto ticket just so it feels like a gift!
Oh and the biggest part is that I ask the kids to hand them to their teachers and say thank you to them so that they are participating!! They love their teachers so much that it’s really sweet to see