2 Demanding Jobs: Nanny or Daycare?

@seagonwarms I’ve only ever hired people who had their own cars that I could install car seat in. So that got a bit ridiculous at one point where we had five sets of car seats.
@1stjohn0666 With an infant ratio of 6:1 I’d absolutely stick with the nanny. I have an associates in ECE and am a big believer in education but 6:1 is just awful for staff and care quality and no amount of education & planned curriculum can make up for what the staff are expected to handle.
@1stjohn0666 The NAEYC accreditation minimum is 1:4 which is still pretty hard on staff. Imagine taking care of 4 babies at once! I’ve never done 1:6 but I’ve done 1:4 and that was challenging. Unfortunately if you live in a state that allows 1:6 it may be hard to find better ratios.
@1stjohn0666 Structured activities can be simple things like stacking blocks or singing songs. Once their attention span increases short structured play activities can start. As long as they’re interested!

Daycare type group activities (circle time, art projects, etc.) don’t need to start until around 2.5-3 years. Honestly, play time is all infants and toddlers need, both independent and 1:1 with an adult.
@1stjohn0666 Get a more reliable nanny, all the way. Dropping off and picking up is really difficult with a demanding job. I did it for a year and it’s difficult to have a hard stop at the same exact time each workday.