Tipping Daycare Teachers

@johnsubira Holy moly this has me feeling really blessed for our situation. Class parent collects money from everyone (as much as you’re able/want to give) and puts together one gifts from everyone. I have $25 for all the teachers combined. 😬
@johnsubira We did $50 for the main and $25 for the assistants. Target, because who doesn’t love Target?

As a teacher, please do not gift chocolates/candy or anything smelly (candles, lotion). Or mugs! We get SO MANY of them and they are almost always regifted. A card of gratitude is so much better than anything else (plus saying something nice to the principal/director about us is also great).
@johnsubira You have to tip your daycare????
Sorry i havent gotten into a daycare yet and ive never heard of this...
When i was s kid my mom would give out little goodie bags of some candy or office supplies for my elementary school teacher but a tip?
@dougbillie You don’t have to tip the daycare, no. What OP meant was a holiday gift for the teachers directly in their child’s classroom. It’s not mandatory at all, but a nice gesture.

It can be something like a home made card or ornament all the way to cold hard cash.
@johnsubira I’m opting out of this. Surprised at the top comments. I think it’s a nice gesture but I’m barely getting what I need done as is without adding daycare employees to the list
@johnsubira Dude its not a tip. They aren't brinigng you food, they are keeping your kids alive. It's a gift. I'll probably do a small gift card or something. It's not expected, but nice.
@johnsubira Maybe your disdain comes from the view you’re taking on this. Nobody but you is looking at it as a “tip” in an attempt to pad a persons salary. The rest of us are giving gifts/ money as presents for the holiday or as presents of appreciation that naturally falls at year end. Literally never heard of it as a tip or dripping with sarcasm and boo America for not paying people a certain way. Maybe change your mindset?
@johnsubira This is insane. I have two with two teachers each plus front office (2). So six teachers. I got a cute keychain with initials, a chocolate spoon treat, an ornament and honestly I think that’s it. I haven’t even bought my own daughters anything yet.
@docbrown1985 Giving more than a “merry Christmas, thank you for what you do” card is plenty and still sweet. Anything beyond that should absolutely not be expected (not saying the daycare workers expect it). The daycare should be giving them their Christmas bonus/gift. You’re already paying the teacher’s monthly salary for daycare! Don’t feel bad if you don’t give them extra money for Christmas, because it isn’t your responsibility. If someone wants to give the teachers money for Christmas, that’s their prerogative. It’s just not something anyone should feel bad about not doing 🤷🏻‍♀️
@johnsubira Wow my kid isn't in daycare but I find it absolutely insane they expect tips on top of already high tuition. No advice, just in utter shock that this is a thing.
@johnsubira I would never "tip" a day care teacher. Why do you feel it necessary to do so? Because they do a "good job" taking care of your kids? That's their job, and what they're paid to do.

If you want to get them a small token of appreciation, that's fine. But $50 each? You've gotta be kidding me. Also, what's this about a favourites list? They actually sent out a wish list for each teacher?
@stevensmith9 Ok so this must be an American thing, us Canadians don't tip daycare teachers. A lot of people usually just give a nice holiday card with a nice box of chocolates or some kind of small treat. The most people "tip" is a $5-10 Starbucks or Tim Hortons gift card. Tipping $50 a teacher or tipping at all in this scenario is bonkers to me!!
@tsjihoelang Former daycare teacher in America in a very well off community and yeah, $50 seems high! But like you’ll definitely on the teachers favorite list with that! I mostly got $5 - 10 Starbucks gift cards and those are massively appreciated!
@tsjihoelang I mean people go broke from medical bills here in the US, so things are definitely a little different here. I do think there is probably a stronger tipping culture. I don't consider this a tip though, more of just a holiday gift
@tsjihoelang Mmmm, wouldn't be so sure about that. I plan on giving gifts, likely cash or gift cards. If politeness dictates I do this for other service providers with whom I have a long standing relationship (e.g., hair stylist) then surely the same logic extends to daycare.
@tsjihoelang I wouldn’t call it “tipping”, but gifts at the holidays are pretty normal where I am in Canada. I give my kid’s teachers cash and that seems to be what my friends with kids do also.

I was also approached by another parent in our class about a group gift for all the teachers at our facility - we’re getting lunch delivered for all of them - this year, so I definitely wouldn’t say we don’t give gifts to daycare teachers here.