Holy daycare sickness, Batman!

@hugoeisenhour My baby doesn’t even go to daycare and it’s like a sickness every week :( . One one point, we were sick every week for three months straight. I feel like we have to stay indoors and never go out.
@hugoeisenhour We’re in the same boat! My daughter started daycare last May when she was 3 months old. Got her first cold her first week, pink eye the next. The next few months were pretty uneventful until November hit and then it was like we had a new sickness every week. HFM, Covid, RSV, gastro, ear infections, cold after cold after cold. We’ve managed to avoid the Flu but she did get her flu shot in December.

The past two weeks we’ve all been healthy so I’m hoping we’re past the worst of it 😅
@hugoeisenhour It gets better, I promise! My son started at 6 months and in the only 2.5 months he was in before Covid hit, he had the nastiest case of RSV that lasted the entire time. We restarted him at 15 months and had a relatively quiet year and a half (I think people were still being pretty cautious about gathering). Then last year, the floodgates reopened and he was sick literally every 2 weeks for the entire year except summer. Since September (knocks on every piece of wood available), he has only been sick twice, and once he wasn’t actually sick with symptoms, we all got Covid and he was patient zero but asymptomatic. I am so hopeful that this trend continues!
@hugoeisenhour NO rant away! We attended one full week of the first 8 weeks. We had some viral thing, pink eye, ear infection, norovirus, HOSPITALIZED with adenovirus, and now Covid.

I didn't even think of it in terms of OAD haha just so annoyed. I truly feel like I'm going to lose my job sometimes when his lil head is bobbling around on my lap during meetings. Thankful I can WFH!
@hugoeisenhour My daughter started daycare last summer at 18mo and every two weeks ON THE DOT she would have some sort of illness, and then in October I caught everything she had- one week of strep, one week of gastro, one week of sinus infection, and one week of flu. What I have noticed, however, is that now when she does get sick it's much less intense for most cases. So instead of 5-6 days of high fever it's more like 2. It's tiring and exhausting, but it does get better and you do find a 'sick routine' of sorts which makes it a little easier to mentally manage. You've got this.
@hugoeisenhour We have been in daycare for a year and a half and the last 6 weeks have had 5 different illnesses (cold, gastro, fifths disease, flu and something similar to Covid but never got a positive test). It’s honestly horrible and feels never ending!
@hugoeisenhour It used to annoy me so much that, for her first year in childcare I sat down and worked out how many days she was there versus not due to sickness. She was there something like 65% of the first year, overall. But that was heavily skewed by that first winter. If it helps, it’s not ever been anywhere near that bad since.

She started childcare in 2021, during all the lockdowns, for reference. And she also went to two different providers simultaneously (A M&W&F, B Tue & Thu) because apparently we love misery (two completely separate groups of kids to get completely different germs from…)
@hugoeisenhour My 7 month old started daycare 6 weeks ago and since Christmas before he even started he’s had covid, some viral thing, another viral thing once starting daycare, ended up on antibiotics after what we suspect was adenovirus that came with pink eye (I got this one too) that started into pneumonia, got another viral thing, ear infection and stomach bug in the same weekend and that’s where we currently are. I’ve been sick right along with him and I’m exhausted mentally and physically. I’m scared to go anywhere or plan anything at this point