Should I pull my baby from daycare center?

@zarvinsacdalan The TV is one of the craziest things I’ve ever heard. Yes, pull her out but keep your name on a waitlist for a more traditional daycare so you have that option if you do not like in-home daycare.
@zarvinsacdalan No, it's not overreacting at all. You have to do what's best for your baby.

We pulled my son from his first daycare because they were doing things I didn't approve of (punishing him for throwing food on the ground, forcing his head down during nap time, letting him crawl around in wet mulch and then not changing his clothes, etc.). We spoke with the director, but I still didn't feel right about it. Pulling him was the best thing I could have done for him.

If they're disregarding your instructions and not being transparent with how they care for your child, you should leave. Don't even get me started on facing a bunch of babies toward a TV screen so the workers can scroll on their phones. Insane.
@zarvinsacdalan Pull her. They should be shut down. There is no accountability or data tracking whatsoever. It sounds like the “teachers” don’t even know each child. At least in the infant room. I use quotation marks around teacher because their behavior is insulting.
@zarvinsacdalan If it were me, I would be weighing how comfortable I am sending my child to the current daycare and how much I feel I can trust them. I would rather be confident with who is caring for my child and have to deal with some hassles around days off, etc. than be concerned every time I drop them off. But everyone's situation is different.
@zarvinsacdalan We do an in home, and if they’ve been doing it awhile, they likely have very few appts that will interrupt your schedule. Honestly I’ve had more reliable day care than some centers in our area at our in-home.

I’d be very ticked off if someone fed my child food before I had introduced them. I also would have issues with the misreporting, as it would feel dishonest.
@zarvinsacdalan I live in WA state and I was a childcare worker for several years...I find what you've experienced unacceptable.

It is all so incredibly inappropriate!! No babies should have a TV in their daycare room!!! No phones either! Especially, to be bold enough to have them out while parents are there.

Baby swings- that scares me because babies shouldn't be put to sleep in those not saying they were but having them opens up a possibility to that happening.

Your child's daily note should be accurate in case of emergency or any changes. They should be updating the note in real time to avoid mistakes. Feeding a baby food without talking to the parents first?????? No way! I would've been fired for this, no doubt. That is wrong for many reasons. I would start researching in-home daycares in your area. When you go to meet with them- bring up your concerns and ask how they would ensure that doesn't happen.

Pullin your child out of care says nothing negative about you.

You gave them more chances. Follow your instincts and get your baby girl into a place that respects YOU as the mother.

Mama please take your baby out of there. As I sit and think about this, I am very upset. There is so much to do with little babies in care! Go outside, sensory activities, music and movement...not freaking baby swings and TV.

I wonder if that's allowed through licensing in your state? Blows my mind!!