Ridiculous Daycare/Pre-K Policy

@openthedoor23 Decide for yourself right now whether you're going to raise your own kids or be told how to by a long line of bureaucrats intent on conditioning you to accept their judgment in place of yours. If you have the means, consider voting with your feet. If they're willing to be this capricious about a couple of m&m's while looking the other way every time a plate of cupcakes rolls in, what else are they ignoring you on?
@openthedoor23 Honestly for me it would be time to find a new daycare. They should have no say in what your kids eats from home unless there are allergy issues in the classroom. Once my kid came home saying a similar thing, but when we asked her teachers they just said they don't allow them to eat sweets before nap time so they don't have too much energy..which I understand

Ugh im sorry you are dealing with that, honestly it really irks me that your kid is now "afraid" to eat food that you lovingly supply them. BTW offering treats like that with lunch also helps them make healthy decisions in the long run by not putting those foods up on a pedestal.