pUt ThE bAbY dOwN

@vtheawesome Totally agree. My baby mostly napped on me for the first 5/6 months and then we sleep trained. Now it’s so rare that he falls asleep on me. I miss those naps so much even though it’s great having nap times to get stuff done.
@rainrain95 I know, I love the freedom, but I miss being slept on, too. But now he goes to sleep on his own so well that nursing or rocking him to sleep takes longer, and his naps on me are often shorter than they are in the crib. Hell, half the reason we sleep trained was because his naps dropped to 30 minutes and he wouldn’t nurse back to sleep like he had before. He was tired and cranky all day. Sleep training for naps was hard (night took like 3 nights), but he gets more sleep and seems happier. He still gets all the snuggles he wants, but he’s 10 months now and mobile and mostly wants to explore - he knows we’re there if he needs us.
@potluck45 I held my now 4 year old dd for every nap until she stopped taking naps just before she turned 2. 0 regrets!!! They grow up so fast. When I think back to that time when she was all cuddly and didn’t talk much I feel so at peace. The dishes & laundry will always be there. Holding an arm baby while looking at that serene sleeping face. Priceless.
A significant minority of people are opinionated jackasses who lack sufficient empathy to try and appreciate other people doing things in different ways to achieve different or even similar ends.

And that was true even before social media came along and told them that the whole world wanted their opinion to like and subscribe!
@potluck45 My baby napped in my arms till he was about 8-9ish months. I have no regrets at all.
My son’s approaching his first birthday soon and he will not nap on me at all anymore. So I’m glad I held him all that time.

I’m sorry you’re getting guilt for it, I feel lucky that nobody tried to guilt me for it.
@potluck45 I always just nodded and kept on what I was doing 👍 I did set my son down, it's not like he was super glued to me, but I knew when it was ok for him and when he really needed me. He's 17 months and crazy independent, go figure.
@potluck45 I wish my baby would let me hold her for a nap sometimes. She is 4 months and will only sleep in her pack n play, sometimes in the car. She only lasts about fifteen minutes when I wear her anymore, and she refuses to sleep if I'm holding her. I just want some baby cuddles sometimes. One day, your baby might not want to be held anymore for naps - cherish every second while you can! Everyone else can suck it.
@jhoke My baby (4 months) is the opposite. She'll sleep for hours on me, but hardly at all in the crib during the day. I've been kind of hard on myself lately thinking I'm doing something wrong and not establishing good sleep habits. Long story short, thank you. I needed to hear this and will appreciate all of those cuddles.
@potluck45 I relate so much to all of these comments. Apparently I'm instilling bad habits, baby won't be able to sleep on his own, it's because I nurse him to sleep, blah blah fucking blah. Even my own husband always says are you going to put him down? NO. He will literally wake up the second I try. And that's OK. I will cuddle him while he sleeps. Everyone can stfu.
@potluck45 So my LO did this until we sleep trained around 4.5 months. I HATED being stuck hours a day with him on me. Unable to pee, unable to have the tv too loud, unable to look at my phone to entertain me as I stayed in one place, unable to drink/eat, etc. that’s why we sleep trained because I hated it and it was effecting my quality of life (and husband and dog). If it’s working for you no need to stop. And honestly now that we’ve sleep trained he will only sleep in his crib and not on me and I never thought I’d say it but I miss it 😢
@potluck45 I have a almost 10 month old who from birth to 6 months i held for almost every single nap. At 6 months he decided he liked sleeping on his belly and the transition to sleeping in a bed was seemless. Hold your baby if you want to. I wish i could hold mine sleeping again. 😭
@potluck45 My son slept in my arms until he was about 10 months old. I tried many times to get him into his crib (he slept no problems there at night, it was just naps he didn't like it) to no avail. And then summer came and his giant sweaty head was causing my arm to fall asleep so I tried again and it finally worked! He's now almost 21 months and sleeps amazing. He isn't clingy, I didn't ruin anything. I have a billion adorable sleeping baby pictures in my phone.

You do you! Don't give in to the comments. Do what works best for your family ❤️
@potluck45 My son turned 2 in May and I still hold him whenever he wants, within reason. My mom always makes comments like "I dont know how you carry him all the time" or "he needs to get used to not always getting what he wants" but I just ignore her. He only wants to be held when hurt or tired, he is very outgoing, hits milestones early, and does a lot of independent play. So what if dinner is done late because he wanted a bit of a snuggle?
@potluck45 I think people need to mind their own business...the baby will not be needy when they get older, I promise. My daughter was super clingy to me specifically...if I walked in a room she cried and screamed until I picked her up. If she was sleeping and I spoke she woke up. She's now 2 and honestly, yeah she still prefers me most of the time but she's far from clingy. Cuddle and hug them while they want you to!
@apasc04 Exactly! My son didn't nap or sleep alone for a LONG time. Now, he's on his own a ton. He's 9. He'll run down the street to hang out with friends and not come back for hours (I know where he is, but don't SEE him during that time). He's the same in the yard. I can be inside doing whatever I need and he'll stay outside playing all sorts of games until I drag him inside. Cuddling him in those early days when he so desperately needed me didn't make him clingy. It made him secure in our relationship so that he could freely explore the world.
@stoninovena In my opinion it's because they knew you'll be there, they don't need to be reassured of this as they get older! :) So, in all reality - extra cuddling when they are younger = more independence later!
@potluck45 I held my baby or laid next to her for many, many naps. My baby is now 15 months and refuses to let me hold her for naps. I miss it. There will always be time to clean, they’re only little for but so long.

Why do people insist that being a supportive, loving parent is bad? You’re not spoiling the baby, they’re an infant. They need security. Gets me so angry too.