pUt ThE bAbY dOwN

@maryloeffler On the other hand my mom watches my 10-month old daughter two days a week and I constantly have to remind her to put her in the crib for naps. She sleeps better in the crib and she needs the practice for the days she’s at daycare.
@potluck45 I kept hearing that and “I guess she’s never gonna crawl, she’s too used to being held”
  1. I’m home alone 90% of the time with the baby. Why do you assume to know what my day is like?
  2. I hold her when we go visiting or when I have guests because it makes my baby more comfortable and I don’t know how dirty other people’s floors are. What it’s to you?!
  3. The last time I heard that comment was during my SO’s birthday when about 15 relatives were in our apartment. It was cramped and overwhelming for the baby. Also, a hazard to put her in the floor. I felt like saying , “hello??? Where’s your brain?”
She ended up crawling on her own just fine around 8 months old, I didn’t do any training. I told my SO to send video footage to his mom so she could stop making those comments finally
Yes I get that too! You dont know my day, Linda, we do so much tummy time it's basically a tabata workout 😤 wont crawl, say that to my boy's weird backwards twerky crab crawl Susan 😤
@katrina2017 I get told all the time to put my baby down. I’m not sure why people are obsessed with my daughter on their carpet?
At home, she’s very happy on the floor but if there’s lots of people she sits on my lap. They obviously think they know my every day life just because they’ve seen her for 30 mins in a Friday. Drives me insane. Why can’t people just say nice things like ‘wow you’re baby is so settled and sweet, well done for your parenting style!!!’
@tan36 I would just say that my son isnt allowed to walk until he goes to college and I was gonna carry him to all his classes in high school. That way when he did go to college his big rebellious phase would just be running everywhere.
@potluck45 They grow up so fast. Just cherish every moment. Don’t let anyone mom shame you. I tried doing things “right” and following the “should be doings by now”. I also don’t care. They’re only little for a little while so I will make the best of every single moment they want to be with me because one day they’ll tell me to F off because their friends are more Important.
@brockharper This is our go-to response when people give us crap about holding her for naps/letting her nap in the Ergo or ring sling. "Soon enough she'll be all 'eww mom don't hug me, it's gross' and since it took us 10 years to have this one, I'm going to take all the baby snuggles while the getting is good." (The "so fuck off" at the end is silent, lol.)
@brockharper Honestly it’s so true though. My son is two and I would kill for him to be able to nap in my arms again (I bet he would still be he’s very heavy now, haha). You just need to do what works for your family and ignore when people tell you to do something different.
@potluck45 I held my baby for naps until she was 6 months old. Even after she transitioned to the crib, I would still cuddle her to sleep until she no longer wanted me to until about 10 months. She is 19 months now and the absolute most affectionate and independent toddler and she still loves a good cuddle every now and then. You do you. There is no such thing as "ruining" or "spoiling" a baby with holding them. You hold them until your arms fall off if you want to!
@potluck45 My baby is only 7 weeks and my husband and his family tell me this non stop. “You hold her too much. You’re spoiling her.” I get so tired of it! If she wants held I’m holding her, everyone else can shove it.
@elzappozah You can't spoil a baby. They have no concept of cause and effect,

Multiple midwifes and health visitors told me this and it will always stick with me

Cuddle that baby and don't ever feel guilt for it.
@elzappozah A lot of people who claim to love babies (and like to share their opinions about them) act like it's a competition to get the baby to sleep alone as much as possible. It's bizarre.

"Babying" a baby isn't spoiling. It's what you're supposed to do.
@potluck45 My kid (26 mo) took most of his naps with me. But guess what - he transitioned to naps on a floor mat fine with he started daycare and he is very independent and secure when he is away from me. If it works for your family, it works. It will change when it needs to. To me, the worst part of parenting is other people chiming in with their "expertise" on my child/family/situation.