pUt ThE bAbY dOwN

@lisarebecca Yeah definitely not going to ruin him. We were told the same and one day he just started napping better in his own. Baby’s do things at their own pace no matter what “rules” you follow.
@lisarebecca I read somewhere you should be sure to hold them when they're not eating so they don't use eating as way to seek attention anyway.

Not that it really matters, get those cuddles! Also do people not realize your baby is basically -2 weeks old?
@lisarebecca My son didn’t sleep on his own even once until he was four months old. He’s now almost 6 months and goes to sleep independently for all naps and nighttime.

At your baby’s age he’s too young to even form sleep associations yet. Cuddle him all you want. You won’t ruin him.
@potluck45 I hate this my mother said this to me when my baby was just after a week old and we had a huge fight. I said “I’m the one who will ‘suffer’ so I don’t know what your problem is” and she said well I never held you, I got bitter and replied “and look at our great relationship now!” My midwife said it best, if I can live with it then why not! He’s not spoilt and he won’t be this small for long!
@oneplanpeopledestiny This is how I felt. As a baby I was in a NICU in another city from where we lived and she actually left the city I was in for a couple months to go home because “she missed my dad” who had to return for work.
She did however recommend I let him sleep in his car seat, which we all know is really bad!
@katrina2017 I never understood it either, and now that I have my own baby I really don’t think she was well. My dad has mentioned he thought she had PPD or something and never got help.
@maryloeffler Holy crap. I’m sorry. Good for you for sticking up for yourself.

My baby is 11 months old, held a TON (not all naps anymore but almost always at least part of each nap and we still cuddle at night) and I have never ever once wished I’d done it less. He is not a sleeper at all, and hey, I guess I have no way of knowing if I contributed to it, but I do not regret it regardless. They grow up SO fast. So, so, so fast. One second they’re putting the baby on your chest for the first time, and next thing you know you’re about to celebrate their first birthday. Some people need to sleep train, and I get that. I won’t pretend I’m not tired. But if it works for you, that’s 100% okay. And in fact, I find it super rewarding.
@maryloeffler My mom would call my infant daughter spoiled because I would hold her, pick her up if she cried ect. I snapped at her too in front of family and said I'll parent her however I want to! Shut her right up (for a month or 2).
@rosae I wish my mum shut up, she told my family that I had postnatal depression and when that was proven untrue claimed I had bipolar. I really wanted to go no contact then and there.