Pregnant with twins with SEVERAL complications to only 1


New member
I'm not gonna list all the issues. I have only 1 question. I've posted in both mom/twin groups on Facebook & done the Google search with no clear answer. Just looking for experience. Below is the post I shared.........

I'm 34 weeks +1day today.

I have tried researching but nothing on husband and my question/thought.

Mom's that had a baby that had the intestines in the umbilical cord. Was that baby smaller than the other? We are wondering if it could possibly be a cause not the only on why Baby A is so much smaller other than the trisomy 18 possible diagnosis.

Just this issue. Mine has many issues.

Baby A went from 2lb 4oz to 2lb 8oz. Not much an increase
Baby B went from 4lb 4oz to 5lb 5oz (I think it's more but won't know for sure til appointment info is updated in app. Going by what husband says)

C-section has been scheduled for 37 weeks. Tuesday May 14th at 8am. But they believe I may have sooner.