No body told me that at 6 months old my baby would go from potato to x games mode

@monsieurhauddennifels Tell me why my 3 month old is already like this 😭 man never wants to cuddle he’s always pushing off me, looking all around, wants me to walk with him so he can see things, rolling around on the floor, kicking his legs like he’s trying to crawl then cries when he doesn’t go anywhere. I’m tired already lmao
@monsieurhauddennifels My 6 month old is sitting up, rolling, kicking, screaming and so on... Im no longer raising a cute little bunny. I'm currently raising an alligator. Enjoy it because in 6 months you will be dealing with a little road runner.
@monsieurhauddennifels Yup! My baby is 6 month and he can't stand his confined play pen space anymore so I set up the sleeping bag on the floor in the living room. He's literally rolling from one end the other and loves it but every now and then I have to step in to pull him back to the middle as he's bordering the laminate floor.

Personally I still love this stage he's so much more interactive and gives me smiles and giggles, he's definitely showing off his personality. Love love him so much. Just enjoy this phase cuz it won't last long! ❤
@johnnyjohnny Omg he sounds amazing! I am definitely trying to enjoy this stage I cry thinking about how all these fun stages are only temporary sometimes lol I can't wait for my baby to be a rolly Polly tho! He's just 6 months and refuses to roll from back to belly ! He's goes on his side but won't commit to the full roll yet
@monsieurhauddennifels Omg yes. And with mine at 20 months now, I can tell you it's not gonna slow down anytime soon 😅

I was apparently a very "serious child" as my mom puts it and would just sit down and play by myself with my pile of toys as a kid. My daughter is, as my father describes "a GD tornado!" 😂
@monsieurhauddennifels Lol yes I did! 😂 I always joke that I'm paying for my husband's sins with this one. He ran away from his dad at Disney world and universal Orlando (and was luckily returned to them after a couple of hours each time, he was just living his best life lol). I like your interpretation of her letting me live my silliest life better, though 😝
@monsieurhauddennifels Mine is only 4 months but I definitely empathize with the finding their voice thing. My son has become a screech machine. We'll put him in his baby gym and even though he's smiling and clearly having a good time, he's just screeching at the top of his voice. We call it pterodactyl mode.
@monsieurhauddennifels Hahahaha YES!! Almost 5.5 months and all that you said. I was telling my husband this morning if she could run she would. Her little legs never stop. Tummy time? Legs kicking. Back time? Legs kicking. In my arms? Wiggling like crazy.