No body told me that at 6 months old my baby would go from potato to x games mode

@monsieurhauddennifels Mine just turned 6 months and within a week she started rolling back to belly, babbling, blowing raspberries, and giving very wet kisses. I love when she grabs my face and “kisses” me. It’s a very very wet open mouth kiss but I love it!
@monsieurhauddennifels Oh I can imagine my little guy will be that way! He’s 3.5 months now and at any given chance (including breastfeeding) he is swinging and kicking. Sometimes he insists on eating sitting upright and since he can’t fully do that on his own yet, I have to balance him and my boob.
@monsieurhauddennifels It is so bittersweet. I want my almost three month old to be little like he was, and I am so excited to see his little personality develop. The way he’s kicking and throwing his arms around seems to tell me we are in for an active few months this summer, and every day after.
@mandie103899 Thank god it's summer and you can get him outside! AIthink it was around 3 months were I had like that newborn survival mode dog lift off of me and I looked down at my son and was like when did you get so big!! 😂 if that makes any sense. If I could go back to the newborn-1 month old stage I wouldn't stress "playing" with him as much as I do and I would just go back and snugg him on the couch all day 😂 every told me to just enjoy and I feel like I never learn but I'm trying to now