No body told me that at 6 months old my baby would go from potato to x games mode

@thomasroane I have a Halloween baby too, that must be why they're so wicked! God help us, I've been staying at home this week because of him having hand-foot-mouth and I'm 10x more tired than when I just go to work. Not even viruses can take him down 😅
@monsieurhauddennifels My son will be 6 months the first week of June and has become so hyper these last few weeks. He is screaming, flailing, blowing raspberries, and grabbing our faces and hair. It’s so wonderful and fun because he is still just the happiest little guy, but I definitely also sometimes just wish he would snuggle me. X Games mode is definitely an accurate description.
@monsieurhauddennifels Ok look I know this probably isn’t what you want to hear but mine is 15 months and he still hasn’t stopped. He’s on the move the ENTIRE time he’s awake, now walking, climbing, screeching, yelling. It never ends lol. He’s a monster!
@vloggle Your right I did not want to hear that, CLIMBING!? I'm so scared for that I am not ready lol my mom said boys were climbers when she found out I was having a boy and omgggg 15 months and already climbing😩
@dundermifflinfarmer So true!! Your daughter sounds like me niece who started climbing by like 10 months I loved it, her mom tho was going crazy 😂 I used to laugh because I didn't have children yet so I didn't understand! Now I do! I love a wild little girl tho she sounds so cute!
@monsieurhauddennifels My 15mo has figured out what the little step stool in the kitchen is for and carries it around the house so he can climb on things better. He loves climbing on the oven door (we keep it locked so he can't tip it back), the baby gates, chairs, couches, basically anything that he can get his little legs up on. Pro tip: teach your kid starting NOW how to back down off of things. We started at 6 months and I am so glad we did - baby boy knows how to get down from things safely, and it has saved me so much stress