7 months postpartum and body still looking bad. It makes me feel sad to look at it

@stellasam I am in the same boat - six months postpartum (second baby). I feel like I am constantly bloated, I can't figure it out - is my stomach fat, is it the skin? Or is it the new way of being? I don't really have obvious loose skin, but I guess there is some stretching. Fat? Well, I am a couple kg over my normal weight. The body is not the same as it was. With my first I could lose the stubborn areas after he started to breastfeed less (for us it was around 1.3 years old), so now I am not expecting much.
My mom took a photo of me, wearing my 6month old, I was wearing a skirt and a tank tom, hair in a bun... I look at that photo and ask... do I really look like that in real life? 🥲 it's like looking at an alien. Also nothing fits, every piece of clothing I own is dated, out of style, not my size or even color faded. I don't have it in me to go shopping (also no opportunity). I don't really have an advice, just know you are not alone, lol
@stellasam Seconding the recommendations of physical therapy for your abs and pelvic floor. Feeling awkward in your movements could be a sign of muscular imbalances.

Also echoing that nursing can slow our changes down due to hormones. Many women under-nourish as an attempt to lose weight but that can have the opposite effect (so i hear. I was always ravenous and couldn't limit if i tried).

I haven't had success with scar mobilization, but i know a lot of people have, and it is not too late to start.

Another factor you can look into: pregnancy, surgery, etc are things that can change our biomes. Our biomes are huge parts of our metabolism and indeed our mental health. If yours has changed, it could make it harder to lose weight or even contribute to low moods. Hard to say how to "fix" it because we're all different and its complex, but maybe a point to explore.
@stellasam Why not accept it now?

Your body will always be post-partum from now on. It will never be exactly as it was. Your ligaments loosen during pregnancy and your bones literally move.