No body told me that at 6 months old my baby would go from potato to x games mode

@monsieurhauddennifels I picked up my dog the other day and said to my husband omg it’s so nice to hold something that stays still! My 11 month old hasn’t been still since she turned 6 months. You’ll get used to the chaos! And baby proofing is amazing, get started now!
@monsieurhauddennifels This thread is funny as 😆 🤣

My 5 month old girl is starting this phase i think, we get rasberry blowing, spitting, growling, and wildly flailing limbs, we know shes trying to work out how to move but cant quite yet...
@monsieurhauddennifels Oh yes mine is 9 months now and is a wild girl. Ever since she could crawl she has been all over the place. I swear she is determined to self destruct because she gravitates to all things dangerous. She has been a busy body since about 5 months.
@monsieurhauddennifels Yessss! I was thinking the same thing. Lo just turned 6 months and he can now sit with minimal support but man he doesn't want to sit! He wants to run and in every direction all at once 😂
I keep thinking what's gonna happen once he actually starts walking lol 🤣
@monsieurhauddennifels Wait till he can walk = extreme x games mode once your LO can hold himself up. Our LO climbed out of her crib at around 11 months - didn’t think she would be strong enough to do it but she did. Once she can walk she was pushing dining chairs away from the dinner table and climbing up on them.
@monsieurhauddennifels My seven month old genuinely believes he’ll be able to balance after he lets go of whatever he used to pull himself up. He usually falls backwards instantly. If he didn’t cry straight after it would almost be funny.
@monsieurhauddennifels Going through the same thing 🤣 this boy is 100% ready to run a marathon, climb Mount Everest, swim across the Pacific all within the same hour 😅
And don’t get me started on bedtime! It’s an hour of fake swimming and screeching lol it’s funny but dear God I want to sleep 😴
@monsieurhauddennifels Yeah my daughter is 6 months old and we have the same, I used to be able to put her on her play mat and quickly run to the bathroom knowing she'd be fine - no more! Now I can't leave for more than 5 seconds because she'd probably get stuck under the sofa, pull the books off our bookcase... I love her so much but yeah she is exhausting xD also constantly slapping me in the face and feeding me a very wet hand! Her way of communicating that she's hungry? Wack Mummy's boobs. Wouldn't change a thing about her!
@monsieurhauddennifels Mine is 10 months now and she’s CRAZY. Lol.

She’s pulling herself up to standing on EVERYTHING. Crawling at warp speed, attempting to yeet herself off the couch, cruising around holding onto all the furniture. Last night I watched her balance standing holding onto nothing.

I don’t think she’s far from walking and I’m gonna be screwed.

I caught her putting a piece of dog food in her mouth the other day while my husband turned his back on her for 1.5 seconds.

Oh, and she has 7 teeth.. and bites.
@monsieurhauddennifels The day mine turned 7 months she was crawling. She couldn't even sit without assistance the week before. A month later she was walking with assistance and climbing full flights of stairs in a minute or less. The girl is RECKLESS and loves danger. We call her our little thrill seeker. When we go to the playground and put her in the infant swings she looks downright bored until I push her a little faster than even I'm comfortable with - then she absolutely comes alive. It's wild 😂 She's 10 months old now, we're actually building her a rock climbing wall this weekend.
@monsieurhauddennifels FTM, and my son just turned 7 months, and X games is the perfect description! He also went from potato to rolling, sitting up, and crawling so fast. Seemed like it happened over night. I am watching him, right now, try to figure out how to pull himself up in his pack N play. Cutting his first teeth has affected his sleep. We went from sleeping through the night to waking up howling 2-3 times throughout the night. And what is up with this blowing raspberry thing? He babbles some, but mostly it's just blowing bubbles all the time. Lol. Plus, my son is Huge. 21 pounds, 29 inches, so he has alot of strength. Had to retire the bouncer because he has outgrown it, and I was afraid he was going to bounce himself out of it. Sucks, bc that was one of the ways he could burn some of all that energy! He still likes to cuddle, and likes to play alone often, so I'm not complaining. Just shocked by how much he has changed over the last month.