No body told me that at 6 months old my baby would go from potato to x games mode

@monsieurhauddennifels 5.5 months, and I feel this a lot. Recently she's been doing what we call "making biscuits", where she massages a toy or blanket like a cat. Most recently, shes started grabbing our neck or faces and twisting the skin and thinks its funny. She grabs anything and everything, even if I think it's out of her reach. She's started throwing things, and I put her on her floor mat, walked away for like 5 seconds and she had rolled over and was off the mat. She's obsessed with food, and will lunge and/or reach for it. She grabbed a handful of my food the other day. She's also gotten very good at moving toys from hand to hand and grabbing them when we offer them. It feels like a complete 180, lol.
@monsieurhauddennifels Omg, I feel like I could've written this myself. For the first 5 months or so, my son was the tamest baby. Everyone would comment about how gentle, quiet and calm he was. Just chilling and only crying for the essentials. Then 6 months comes around and BOOM. Chaos baby. And since he's been learning how to crawl/scoot his body, he's been almost unstoppable and so incredibly loud. I had no idea how loud he could get. And he wants to crawl EVERYWHERE. He's 7 months now and I swear he's training for the baby ninja warrior and super determined to finish the course. 😆
@monsieurhauddennifels My 10 month old is the same! I love the X games mode description. He never stops, always crawling, standing and grabbing everything, throwing his bottles, demanding for us to pick him up and then trying to dive out of our arms 10 seconds later. Snuggles are rare. The only time I can get him to stop is by putting on Ms Rachel or Hey Bear videos lol.
@notwhatiwas Dear god I feel terrible but I literally put ms Rachel on in the background just so she’ll stay in the same room as me. If not she’s disappearing into the other room every 2 seconds trying to eat dog food, or do some other insane things.
@victoryleann Omg just snuggle the crap of LO for me and enjoy sitting with and cuddling LO and watching movies or sitting outside together!! I didn't realize those newborn snugs were actually so short lived!!! I remember tho that my baby had the busiest arms like constantly moving them and he would just hum a lot loo
@monsieurhauddennifels At 6 months my son started successfully army crawling and sitting. A week later he was pulling himself up on everything and had mastered full crawling. Hes 7 months on the first and now is fast as hell, has stood several times on his own and has discovered screeching. Hes blown raspberries since 4mo. We cannot keep him contained x.x Luckily he sleeps like 9 hours minus a wakeup or two depending on the night but otherwise its go time. We had to lower the crib bed because he was about to be able to jump out of it at the beginning of the month and now I might have to lower it again because he has grown so much.
@monsieurhauddennifels Yes! It’s crazy. Like he was JUST learning how to sit up just before he turned 6 months. And then crawling like two weeks later. At first it was slow but after a couple days of practice, he crawls at lightening speed. And now two weeks after that he’s pulling himself up on shit. Face-planting everywhere. Nosediving off of stuff. Climbing up stuff and over stuff. Getting stuck in stuff.

One good thing about it is now after an hour or so of terrorizing everyone in the house, he is now content to chill in a upseat/sit-me-up seat for a little break before his next round of tearing shit up.