WHY is my body expelling perfect babies? Devastated

@lostsheep75 I am so sorry you’ve been having to go through this.

My first thought was to ask - are you rh negative blood type? Was your first rh positive per chance?

It’s rare to have not been given rhogam if your blood type was known during your first pregnancy, but it’s not entirely impossible. If your first was rh positive, you could have experienced rh sensitization during the birth and then subsequently have antibodies to rh blood moving forward. If you are rh negative, I would ask your provider for an Rh antibody screening or indirect Coombs test. It’s atleast another stone to turn over, even if it’s unlikely. Rh sensitization does increase risk of miscarriage in otherwise healthy pregnancies, and the risk rises the longer the pregnancy continues, so having repeat second or third trimester miscarriages can be a clue sign.
@jeffreyvidrio There is more than one Rh type that you can create antigens to (more info). I remember being tested on multiple ones during my first pregnancy. So even if you have a + blood type, it’s not a bad idea to get your blood tested.
@lostsheep75 Can you speak to your OBGYN about having a cervical cerclage placed during a future pregnancy, before you start having any signs of trouble? I understand they can be placed preventatively at 12-18 weeks.
@valte09 Oh sorry got it. When I spoke to OBGyN she said that even if we had put in the cerclage and if I had heavy contractions later the cerclage should be removed and allowing the miscarriage to happen as my body was not responding to anti contractions medicines.

Will consider a preventative measure for future
@lostsheep75 I'm so sorry for your losses. I don't know if this anecdote will help, but I was born at term after two late losses. The first was 31 weeks and the second was 24 weeks. My mom went on to have two more after me that were premature but are fine.
@lostsheep75 Have you been tested for incompetent cervix? My midwife has to have her cervix sewn shut to avoid the same issue. I'm no doctor just what I've learned in being a student midwife.
@middo1985 IC is when the cervix opens on it own without any or little pain and the baby comes out (if I am not wrong) but both times I had 7 hours labor pain before expelling the baby.

Also cervix can be sewn only when uterus is quiet but I had bleeding and contractions
@lostsheep75 Two second trimester miscarriages are rare. Get tested for antiphospholipid antibody syndrome. It’s a blood clotting disorder that is very common but often not tested for. I was tested after a 14 week miscarriage and recommended to take blood thinning injections for my next pregnancies.

I opted not to, and have had two healthy pregnancies since (with double dose aspirin), but it’s a helpful option
@ava1453 Heyyy fellow APS positive here. I have all three antibodies (and lupus), but no clinical event (1 early miscarriage), and I am directed to take blood thinner injections for pregnancy also.
@lostsheep75 I might suggest sending your placenta slides to Dr. Kliman at Yale. The hospital keeps the slides after a loss and he can review them and give lots of information on what contributed (he was able to explain A LOT more than my own doctor or the pathologist) . I had a 21 week loss that came out of nowhere and he was able to figure out the reason. Insurance usually covers it and he is so incredibly nice.