WHY is my body expelling perfect babies? Devastated

@lostsheep75 I am so terribly sorry. Losing a pregnancy at any stage is painful, but past the first trimester is especially devastating. I don’t have any advice as I’m not familiar with these type of losses, but I would strongly consider meeting with a genetic counselor
@lostsheep75 I had a late term miscarriage due to a clothing disorder, it’s genetic. Never thought to test at first because I already had a healthy pregnancy to term with zero issues. Turned out the gene is recessive, so it didn’t “wake up” until I was in my late twenties.
@lostsheep75 Yes definitely get recurrent miscarriage testing done, it typically covers both genetic and autoimmune clotting issues. I have an autoimmune clotting disorder and have to take lovenox injections during pregnancy
@lostsheep75 My latest was 11 weeks (but measured 6). I passed him at home, but was able to collect the tissue and they sent it to the lab. It did give us some insights about what was happening. My husband has a genetic duplicate, which likely caused it.

It’s not covered under insurance (for me at least), but it was only $350. It’s called Product of Conception testing.