No body told me that at 6 months old my baby would go from potato to x games mode

@monsieurhauddennifels My son’s favorite move when eating is sticking his hand straight up in the air and wildly waving it around. He often smacks my face with his hand or tries to grab onto my chin, cheek, or hair. I spend a lot of time during feeds dodging his hand lol
@monsieurhauddennifels Holy moly I could have written this. Now our LO is almost 1 year and still is like that to this day! Less drool tho! I promise he will drool less after the initial teething! He still hates being held, wants to grab everything he’s not supposed to. It’s fun. Lol
@monsieurhauddennifels My LO will be 7mo in June and I had the same thoughts recently LMAO. She went from quiet and cute to loud and wiggly and ready to crawl everywhere and super cute. She’s got “heat seeking hands” we call them. Awake or asleep her hands will find your face at 1000mph full of drool every time. It’s amazing. I’ve never cleaned my glasses so much in one day before her haha. She’s got this new trick though where she’s learning how to control her voice volume and is just whispering all the time. Then will suddenly scream Bloody Mary and then bring it back down to a whisper. Fun stuff!
@monsieurhauddennifels My 8.5 month old has gone straight from crawling around on her belly to trying to pull up on things. She’s FAST too, she just swims across the floor like a worm 🤣 and she hasn’t the slightest clue about falling and hurting herself so she’s doing some X Games mode shit constantly. I had to get a playpen 😂
@katrina2017 Mine is the same age - he sniper crawls everywhere and is SO FAST!! We had to move the cat's bowls into another room so baby wouldn't try to eat them constantly. He's also constantly pulling up on anything he can grip on to or trying to yeet himself off the couch/bed. Absolutely no instinct for self-preservation 😂
@drfazl Omg I love how you put that! I love this stage too it's makes me cry when I think about how these stages are so temporary! My fave thing is he just will look at me and we will both be cracking up 😂
@monsieurhauddennifels My son sounds just like yours. Ours turned 6 months a couple days ago and has been mr wiggle man for a while now. He loves kicking his legs and loves bouncers where he can rock himself by kicking his legs. He still craves attention and being held, at least by my wife, but he is definitely an active one. Like yours, he can also be VERY vocal, both responding to us and on his own. He loves blowing bubbles and raspberries and sucking on his hands and then touching us, especially my glasses.

And in the last week and a half or so, he has become mr rolly polly as he figured out the key to flipping himself back to front and front to back and now wants to do it every time he’s doing floor time.
@humblepath Omg the glasses part I feel your pain!! How fun he's a rolling like that! My son is stubborn! He can roll from belly to back but refuses/pretends he's stuck 😂 and from back to side he will not go all the way! Maybe I should just relish in this time cause once the roll the roll all over the place I hear