New dads, don’t forget to celebrate your wives tomorrow

@nkirote I truly wasn’t expecting anything from my fiance as I’m 5 months pregnant but he came home today with flowers and a beautiful perfume set 🥹 women definitely appreciate it! Being pregnant isn’t easy-this is definitely the way
@nkirote Currently pregnant and I don’t feel like a mom quite yet. Even though we have 13 weeks to go until baby is here! Husband was very sweet though and got me a couple unexpected gifts. And all my friends and family have been wishing me a happy Mother’s Day. It’s nice to be thought of but I have this weird..guilt feeling? That people are wishing me happy Mother’s Day. Like I don’t feel like a mom yet!
@nkirote Mmmm that's going to be person dependent - I was about 4 months pregnant last year and I didn't want celebrating. I didn't feel like a mother, and I didn't feel like I deserved it yet. I wanted to wait until this year, and I'm glad I did!
@neobondjames Definitely. I didn’t think I did or didn’t deserve it I just…..wasn’t one yet? It was nice when people said and happy mothers day to you too but I definitely didn’t expect or want anything more.
@tradesman My sister got me a happy mother-to-be card and that felt right; I was a mother to be. Not a mother. BUT I do think that mothers who sadly lose their babies in pregnancy have every right to refer to themselves as a mother. So I don't know; I think it's a matter of an individual's perspective on themselves.
@nkirote Yeah no. We have several friends who made it to second trimester or full term and still wounded up losing their babies. I even lost my 1st pregnancy on “national women’s day” and my phone blew up honoring the holiday. Hate the day since. I even got those “Happy Mother’s Day for when you know become pregnant” from strangers and coworkers. It’s not for everyone
@nkirote Last Mother’s Day I was pregnant after a second trimester loss I wanted a happy Mother’s Day from my partner but didn’t expect anything outside of words. Now that my baby is here it’s different I had a wonderful day and did want a gift
@sherryfl Also for the prospective new dads in here who are expecting their first: please do something nice for your partner. I had a friend tell me I was overreacting because I “wasn’t a mom yet” when my husband did nothing for Mother’s Day when I was pregnant. It really hurt my feelings.

Your partner may not care as much as I did, but acknowledging the day for first time expecting moms is a kind gesture.
@heekun2017 My husband didn’t do anything for me last year when I was pregnant. It hurt my feelings but I let it go and told myself, I wasn’t technically a mom yet so I can’t be too upset. I have a feeling he’s not going to do anything for me this year either and I’m already feeling upset about it. Maybe I should have made it a bigger deal last year.
@bart75 This … it’s sad how it’s so normal for a mother to do all that but for a father it’s „special“ and need to be asked for even .. like wtf is that even , that’s heartbreaking
@bart75 Why are you both being so weird about this? Why do you jump to some conclusion that the husband isn’t pulling his weight because of what that one woman said she asked for as a Mother’s Day gift? Here’s how it went with my wife, who is a mother for the first time this year:

"Is there anything special you want to do for Mother’s Day? Anywhere you want to go? Anything you want to do and get away a bit from us?”

‘You know what, I just want to sleep in tomorrow until I wake up, no dog and no baby duty until after my coffee.”

"You got it, of course.”

Me and my wife switch nighttime or morning duty almost every day and she just wanted to express a desire to not have to wake up until she wanted to today, not because I never am on baby duty, but because usually we are both up by 6:30 anyway and she wanted a day to not have to do that. There’s nothing in the commenter’s post to suggest her request was in any way dissimilar but you two hyenas are commenting about how it’s heartbreaking that she had to ask for that and that you would divorce a man so fast if he wasn’t pulling his own weight. Quit hating men so much, they don’t all suck. If yours do, sorry, but lord have mercy you are projecting.
@agxnir Definitely not projecting, if anything you’re the one projecting. Clearly we have high standards for our partners so how could we be projecting? I showed my husband her comment and we both felt sad for her. I can count on one hand the number of night feedings or waking up early I’ve had to do as my husband does the late night early morning sessions every single day. For her sake I really hope it’s just a misunderstanding and that her husband pulls his weight although the way it was phrased made it seem like an everyday occurrence. And yes far too many moms deal with that. Pointing it out doesn’t mean we ‘hate men’ Jesus.
@sherryfl Truer words have never been spoken
The whole family should be celebrating her tomorrow
What they go through before and after from the phyiscal to the mental