New dads, don’t forget to celebrate your wives tomorrow

@sherryfl My husband doesn’t have anything planned for my first Mother’s day. I got baby up this morning, got her fed, changed, and dressed. He’s sleeping in.

I knew this would happen, so I bought myself a card that I’ll fill out with my daughter later, and I bought myself a necklace to commemorate my first baby.

Thank you for posting this. It’s upsetting how many men just miss the mark out of ego, tradition, or more.

ETA: He also just beat me to the shower without first saying anything this morning. I’m sitting with baby and he’s been taking a shower for 15 minutes.
@sherryfl Great post! When my wife was pregnant with our now 9 month old, I didn’t realize I was supposed to do something for her for Mothers Day. Luckily a buddy mentioned it to me before it was too late for me to pull something together.
@averynelson It’s not even just about doing something for it , just the fact of acknowledging it and giving your wife a good feeling means sometimes the world !
I’m glad to hear that there’s husbands out there that actually care !
@sherreis My buddy and his wife just found out she is pregnant not long ago I was texting with him yesterday and I said “What are you guys doing for Mothers Day?” And I didn’t hear from him after that. I’m imagining him scrambling around today 😂
@sherryfl My wife got a special dinner reservation at her favorite restaurant, a day at the salon with her favorite (and most expensive) stylist for a cut and color. And a Harry Potter marathon in the evening with her favorite snacks. I thought her first mother's day went fantastic.

For my first fathers day I was allowed to go to McDonalds at 11:30pm for a McFlurry.

I really hope theres an effort this year, but I also realize she has been through so much and its completely understandable that fathers day is not a top priority.

That being said, I had really hoped this post was made by an inspired father, not a disgruntled mother.
@foreverblessedsh I really don’t like this take.

Mother’s Day is for all moms, you shouldn’t stop celebrating your own mom just because you have a baby now.

I have a 9 month old, I am going to my mom’s house to celebrate Mother’s Day, she is still my mom even though she is a grandma now.

I am also one of those moms that don’t want to sleep in or want alone time on Mother’s Day, I just want to spend the day with my kid surrounded by family.
@phogstenjr I’m so glad that is how you’d like to celebrate. Mother’s Day is all about taking time to celebrate the gift of motherhood and it sounds like you are getting to do what YOU want to do. Too many new moms don’t have that opportunity and instead feel bullied into attending or hosting events that feel more like an obligation than a celebration. Tomorrow partners should put the mother of their child first, without guilt, because there are future opportunities for others.
@phogstenjr Yea I've seen this tiktok trend. How I grew up, my parents celebrated their mom's on the day before or weekend after for mother's day but mothers day was for the young kids and dad making mom breakfast in bed, taking out for lunch etc because for most kids they need dad to celebrate mom until they are older.

But like. My mom is still a mom. She doesn't stop being a mom because she became a grandparent.
@inspiredxd Exactly.

I saw the trend too and I got so annoyed.

We always do a big Mother’s Day brunch/lunch, my whole family shows up and I love the tradition. My mom, grandma, aunt, sister and myself we are all moms and will all be there and celebrated.

I don’t know if it’s just because my daughter is 9 months but I don’t want to a day of peace and quiet or a day out of the house alone, I want to spend it with her and my whole family.