New dads, don’t forget to celebrate your wives tomorrow

@britbrit90s Honestly thinking about it I did grow up with a single mom and no dad around, so you're probably right that it's me who's the odd one out here.

(For reference though this is my second mother's day and my husband is spoiling me! He's the best)
@sherryfl Also, if your wife is pregnant with your first child, she’s expecting to be treated as a mother tomorrow.

My friend did not realize this with their first kid. She was not happy.
@nkirote Very interesting to me with the replies on this comment, with pregnant mothers not wanting to be wished a Mother’s Day. I see it as you are already putting so much sacrifice in the name of motherhood, being pregnant can be so challenging.

I was really wanting to wish a friend whose going through her first known pregnancy (I believe she’s around 7 months) a Mothers Day but now I’m having second thoughts. I don’t want to jinx it or make her uncomfortable 😥
@arrabon I didn't really want a mother's day while pregnant because I didn't feel like a mother yet, but I still would have really appreciated the care and thoughtfulness of such a wish from a friend. I'd definitely go for it!
@arrabon Same! I have two close friends and two of us had babies last fall, the third got pregnant just after we had ours and I know she feels a bit “left behind” because we got to do the pregnancy/newborn stuff together. I thought wishing her a happy Mother’s Day while she’s pregnant might make her smile.

I think I’ll still do it, most people IRL take these things with the good intent they are meant with.
@arrabon I was surprised at some of the other replies too! My wife is 8 months pregnant with our first, and she very much wanted/appreciated the Mother's Day experience I gave her. So yeah, it really does vary from person to person
@arrabon I was three months pregnant last year on Mother’s Day, so I personally did not feel like the holiday applied to me yet. Maybe I would’ve felt differently had I been further along, but at that point, I was barely showing and not far enough along to feel kicks or movement. But it totally depends on the mama to be.

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