My OBGYN laughed at me when I said I was OAD

@arseniusthesilent Haha, one of the only things I remember from my labor is explicitly telling myself, "You are going to forget all about this, so I need to reiterate, right now, that this is extraordinarily painful and you never want to do it again." And thank God I remembered that mental note.
@samalematina I broke my tailbone snowboarding 10 years ago and it actually helped my baby coming out faster bc it was bent the wrong way (healed like that) 😂 but fr a broken tailbone sucks I’m sorry you had that
@samalematina I can’t explain why/how except with me, with trauma, I have this strong like black out mechanism. I barely remember much of my childhood even happy times. I do remember things abt the birth with the way I was treated but I can’t bring the physical pain part up to the surface. It’s buried.
@popsey37 It’s the opposite for me. I remember any and all trauma I’ve been through in detail. It continues to cause me anxiety years later lol wish I could just block it out somehow.
@lovepr For me it's not just the pain of birth but the 4 months of vomiting, the blood thinner injections starting at 4 weeks and lasting until I was 4 week postpartum and the PPA that has put my marriage at risk. Oh and as much as I love my almost 4 year old daughter she plus 4 cats are quite enough for this SAHM.
@lovepr yeah, you cannot remember what physical pain feels like, thankfully. Like I can tell you my c-section burned and the first morning after was terrible pain, but only because I was asked by nurses like every 4 hours in order to get the good pain meds.

We've known we were OAD folks since our dating days, but I still got some comfort in grumbling to my husband at the hospital- I am NEVER doing this again. He turns two tomorrow, and husband had his vasectomy back in March.
@lovepr I'm probably not phrasing it correctly, but you can't physically recount pain, is what I am trying to explain. It's a medical truth not something I am just making up. My dr prescribed me strong meds for the hospital and home but in our state at least you had to say your pain was at a 7, to get percocet, for example. It's to help combat addiction issues which are really bad in the Southern US.
@lovepr That's what I've heard too.. but I would rather have another C Section than care for another newborn tbh OR try to get a toddler to EAT something healthy.
@evilbeans I have, but I know that tubal ligation comes with the risk of ectopic and my first pregnancy ever was an ectopic so I’m gun shy. BUT my husband said he’s okay with vasectomy so we’ll do that when he’s ready
@arseniusthesilent A vasectomy would be far easier on your husband than sterilization surgery would be for you.

I might be wrong on this, so check with your Dr, but I believe the risk of ectopic is nearly non-existent now that tubal ligations (cutting and tying the tubes, but leaving them in place) have become less common and instead doctors are removing the tubes altogether (bilateral salpingectomy). Please don't take my word for it, but it's something to consider.
@arseniusthesilent Hey! I had a bisalp a little over a week ago and it’s been the easiest recovery ever. We were firmly OAD for a myriad of reasons and went this route because it was covered completely by insurance. 10/10 would recommend.
@arseniusthesilent Had my salpingectomy during my C-section with my one and only so I can't say if it made recovery worse, but honestly I was pretty much fine. Pretty tender, yes, very tired, and I'm still weak in the abs, but having nothing to compare it to I'd say it wasn't unbearable! And I can't take codeine so it was just Tylenol and ibuprofen for me.