My OBGYN laughed at me when I said I was OAD

I had an appt with my OB last week because nothing down there has felt normal since I gave birth 6 months ago. Turns out I have a bunch of scar tissue that should get better with time/pelvic floor therapy/estrogen-heavy BC, so all's good there. BUT - my doctor asked me about multiples at the beginning of the appointment and this is how it went:

Dr. "So are you planning on having more kids?"

Me: "No, I'm done."

Dr. *laughs*

Me: "Why is that funny?"

Dr. "I hear it all the time"

Me: "I'm literally here because my kid shredded my vag. Why would I do that again? Is my pain funny to you?"


It's weird because he's a great doctor but what the F! He could've been more tactful.
@arseniusthesilent I've read somewhere that parents forget the trauma of having a baby, that's why they tend to have more. I wouldn't doubt that your doctor has heard that before, but yeah, he could have been more delicate with his words.
@arseniusthesilent Ive been told so many times “you’ll forget the pain”. Almost 4.5 years and I still remember crystal clear all of the back labor pain. Nope definitely haven’t forgotten what I imagine a hot iron rod twisting around in my spine would feel like lol

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