My baby is obsessed with watching me eat

@antnf8900 Same! I always thought I would never give my kid junk food, but her face when I eat a cookie… man, I get it. Im sure she’ll get to have a bite of whatever she wants once she’s old enough.
@antnf8900 Mine does this too. He hates formula. When I eat or drink he just started with his eyes wide, mouth wide open. Sometimes he licks his lips. All his independent play involves him putting various toys in his mouth, taking it out, staring at it, then angrily putting it back in before moving on to the next toy. He's trying to eat everything. It's hilarious. He gets the burrito baby face when he puts anything in his mouth. He's started trying to eat my nose and face. Ironically he hated the rice cereal we gave him.
@antnf8900 Our baby has loved watching anyone and everyone eat since he was 5 months old. He literally laughs anytime someone takes a sip of a drink and goes “ahhh!” He also enjoys listening to people crunch their lunch.
@antnf8900 Mine does too! I've started using it as a tool to keep him happy during dinner. We put him in his bouncer, sit on floor poufs in front of him, and take really animated bites of our food. He laughs and laughs.
@antnf8900 Son is 4 months and he just started doing this at 3 and a half months. We let him fake drink a cup of soda (no, we didn't actually let him get any soda from the cup) and that made him happy. He also tries to grab food now. He lunges at our forks with food on it or tries to eat what we have on our plate. We now have to social distance from our plates or else the little piranha might go after it. 😅

You're not alone. I don't think I can go for solid food early only because my poor kiddo has some issues with formula already. We have an appointment set up to speak with a specialist to see what the matter is with his tummy. He has a lot of constipation and vomiting. We're holding off until we figure out what is going on.
@antnf8900 Omg I have a 9 month old and she begs like a little dog. Regardless of what I am eating she will pull herself up on the couch and scream unless I give her some scraps! 😂
@antnf8900 This is a good sign! She's showing interest in food that doesn't come from a boob. Mine started staring doing this when he was 3 months old. Ped gave us the green light to start solids at 4 months and my child was thrilled with this new exciting adventure.

He's 8 months now and still stares at my food like he can taste it with his eyes, but he is a toothless choking risk who hates most of my food that I've let him sample, so he's still in puree city.
@antnf8900 My son is 5 months and earlier today he threw an absolute fit over me eating, we went to our ped and I asked about semi solids and found out my son was very much ready for them. Now when we eat we can give him a bit too if we mash it up
@antnf8900 Mine too! I let her smell my food always and it’s so cute I get many different reactions, her favourites so far are broccoli and mandarin oranges… but she isn’t into toast haha or eggs. The other day I made a broccoli omelette and after smelling it she kind of squinted at me like… are you trying to fool me mom?
@antnf8900 Our daughter is 5 1/2 months and she has been obsessed with food for at least the last 3 or 4 weeks. Constantly trying to grab coffee mugs, plates and anything within reaching distance.

We started weaning her last week because it got so bad I had to turn my back on her while eating cereal because she was apoplectic with rage that I didn't make her a bowl.
@antnf8900 Yes, ours just turned a year old and for the latter half of that time and still today she wants what we’re having.

The kicker is she has and regularly has an extremely wide variety of foods. Many instances where she’s been handed, ate, and loved something that many typical American babies won’t get to try for several years if at all in their life

Not the rarest of examples but one of her favorites is fried plantains.
@home4good Fried plantains are delicious. They taste like dessert crossed a potato. They are soft, sweet, and warm; the ultimate comfort food. Someone please feed me plantains!
@antnf8900 My baby has been doing this since about week 2. He used to cry whenever I would eat. Luckily that stopped but he still stares at me and licks his lips. I keep telling him he has to wait a few more months