My baby is obsessed with watching me eat

@antnf8900 Yeah our LG got interested at about 5 months. She stole a green bean off my partner's fork once and put it straight in her mouth haha!

We started her on some solids on Christmas Day as she was almost 6 months and she was so desperate to try proper food. She loved it and now has something most days.

I feel so horrible if we both have a meal and she has nothing. We went out for lunch the other day and she looked so put out that she just had to sit there. I felt really mean lol.
@antnf8900 Yep! 5 months or so here, too. Her morning entertainment is the show with such thrilling episodes as "Dad Eats an Orange", "Dad Eats Oatmeal" and even occasionally "Dad Eats a Bagel". Captivating stuff.
@antnf8900 Mine has been staring since about three and a half months. We got the go-ahead to slowly introduce baby cereal and fruit/veggie purees (mixed with breastmilk) at four months from the pediatrician. He is doing great with it!
@antnf8900 Oh dont worry, once you start solids they still want everything you have.

Our son is almost 9 months. He has purees, yogurt bites, these baby cheetos, berries, carrots, mangos, etc etc etc but when he sees us eating pizza he will crawl over any obstacle to get it lol
@antnf8900 My son isn't even three months yet and he just loves watching us eat and proceeds to put his hands into his mouth "chewing" on them vigorously. It's the most adorable thing ever.
@antnf8900 Yes! he’s 3.5mo, and loves watching us eat. We give him things to smell, and he seems to like it. Sometimes he would make a face like a dog begging for food from under the table, and we have to tell him that he’s got to up his teething game a bit.
So that’s how he started teething at 10 weeks.
(cries; runs into sunset)
@devilsadvocate To be honest, I didn’t know that! I hadn’t started my reading about solids yet, but I pulled the books out today! I think we may also need to focus on sitting a bit more. I just thought 6 months is when you’re supposed to start trying on average