Moving baby to crib after NICU

@kckpriest I wait until 6-9 months. I do sleep training at those times depending on the kiddo. I have 6 and it’s worked well for me. Also all 6 have been preemies. Born between 31-35 weeks
@kckpriest Less than a week after he came home. He came home at six months actual/3 months adjusted and was already rolling around all night in his bassinet and scaring the crap out of me
@kckpriest We kept him in our room until he was a year adjusted. We should have done it sooner 😂

The instant he slept in his own room in his crib it was the best he had ever slept. Complete game changer.

With my full term daughter we did 6 months and she also got way better sleep in her room.

I would say you need to find your own comfort level with it. Thinking back I may have moved him at like 8-9 months adjusted,
@kckpriest We had a night nurse and my twins slept in their cribs the first night they got home from the NICU. I think it just depends on your set up but ours did great!
@kckpriest We just moved ours into their own room when they turned a year old (last week). I just wasn’t ready to make the switch for a long time, especially since one of my twins was in the nicu the first 6 months of his life (the other was there the first month). But the switch has been good for all of us. They actually sleep better in their cribs than they did in the pack n plays they had in our room and it’s been nice to not have to tiptoe around at night haha. I think you just have to do what you feel comfortable with!