Baby Names

@iantja36 Yeah middle names are a whole different ball game I agree. I’m planning on using my MILs last name for a boys middle name if we ever have one
@aniko I worked in HR for several years so my only advice when naming a baby is to remember you aren’t really naming a baby… You’re naming an adult who will be a baby for a brief time. Initials tend to stick with people… I know a 57-year-old man named DJ and in all honesty, it feels weird to even say.

Cambell with no P will just ensure that he has to spell his name twice to every person he talks to for the rest of his life. I have to admit this name made me giggle because I dated a guy in college in 2003 named Andrew Campbell. He was in a frat and his nickname was “Soup.”
@contemplatio This kid will spend his life (as a kid and adult) saying “Cambell with no p” which will definitely get laughs as a kid. As someone who works in recruiting, I wish more parents thought about how their kid’s name would look on a resume.
@aniko You obviously don’t fall into this bucket—you are a parent considering how a name will be for a kid! That was a generalized statement on the topic, apologies if it seemed directed at you (the missing p comment was meant specifically for you though :) ).
@aniko No, it isn’t weird if your firstborn’s name starts with a different sound. Pick the name you like most. Unless you are a Kardashian no one will notice or care if it’s a different letter or sound!
@aniko I would go with one of the B names.

Speaking from experience, naming a boy a name that is (now) more commonly known for girls would be a problem for him growing up. I went to school with two boys named Stacy and Alison. They were degraded daily by bullies. It’s not worth it. Both Stacy and Alison used to be boy names, but are now very feminine. I feel like Morgan would be in that category also.

If you’re going for Campbell, I would either add the p, or drop the name. Campbell and Cambell are also becoming more feminine names, especially spelled without the p.