Baby Names

@aniko Cambell will always be called Cam, Benson (which I personally don’t mind) will always be called Ben. If you’re ok that naming your kid these will ultimately not be used in full, have at ‘er.

Noting that by removing the p in Campbell, the emphasis will be on the last syllable when reading it so it’ll sound like a hard ‘bell’, the p softens it to sound (in North American accents anyway) like camp-ull with the emphasis on the first syllable.
@aniko In my family we all ended up with hard C sound names except my older brother. Even our dog was Cookie 😆 No one noticed except for us and we jokingly would occasionally call my brother Keter (his name is Peter). My guess is most people won’t notice if you choose Cambell. I would warn you that you will constantly be having to correct people’s spelling if you choose that name and to drop the p. We went with a non-traditional spelling for our daughter’s name because we used the same spelling as the family member we were honoring and it is the more typical Spanish/phonetic spelling (I am Spanish speaking) so I don’t regret our decision but it can be annoying to correct people.

Cam is probably my favorite of your options.
@aniko Every person I’ve known whose last name was Campbell had the nickname “soup” or “soups”. I’m sure Cambell would also get associated with soup. How about Cameron nn Cam?
@aniko Of those choices, I prefer Brady, but not with Thomas. Too many people will think you named him after Tom Brady.

I don’t like Cambell at all, but I especially don’t like it without the p. I said this in another comment, but if you like CJ and Cam, you could name him Cameron.

I don’t love Jay as a middle name because it sounds like an initial and not a name. But that’s just my personal opinion. I don’t think there’s anything inherently wrong with it.
@aniko Cam is so cute. We are in the middle of naming too. I’m sweet on Dalton Charles. My husband like the other way around. I think all the names you picked are solid. Good boy names. We know a Morgan and he’s a hell of a guy. There should be more of him.
@aniko Right! It’s intense, but more so when you ask your family and they are kinda weird about it. But then you name baby and they all say it’s cute. So definitely what works best for you!
@gbtwc [sup]Sokka-Haiku[/sup] [sup]by[/sup] [sup]Hollowheart1991:[/sup]

My cousin is a

Cambel and he goes by Cam

Alot I like the name

[sup]Remember[/sup] [sup]that[/sup] [sup]one[/sup] [sup]time[/sup] [sup]Sokka[/sup] [sup]accidentally[/sup] [sup]used[/sup] [sup]an[/sup] [sup]extra[/sup] [sup]syllable[/sup] [sup]in[/sup] [sup]that[/sup] [sup]Haiku[/sup] [sup]Battle[/sup] [sup]in[/sup] [sup]Ba[/sup] [sup]Sing[/sup] [sup]Se?[/sup] [sup]That[/sup] [sup]was[/sup] [sup]a[/sup] [sup]Sokka[/sup] [sup]Haiku[/sup] [sup]and[/sup] [sup]you[/sup] [sup]just[/sup] [sup]made[/sup] [sup]one.[/sup]