I hate my post partum body! Pls recommend a workout plan or anything


New member
I’m 7 weeks post partum and I just hate the way I look, I know I’m only 7 weeks pp but I actually cry when I look in the mirror. I was mostly on the chubby side throughout my life but before I got pregnant I had finally started getting to my goal weight which was 140. It’s a healthy weight for my height i think I’m about 5”5. Also I have little time o no workout experience. Anyway the last time I checked my weight was at my 40 week check up and I was 209 😖😭 and I haven’t checked since. I was going to try the Sweat app by Kayla Itsines but I think that might be too intense for me, I don’t know where to start but I need to start somewhere soon because I can’t stand feeling this way.
@fishdf I really like the Beachbody programs offered. They have great nutritional guides which I think are often more important than the exercise portion when it comes to losing weight. They also have a variety of levels of workout programs you can look at that fit your fitness level. Personally, my plan is to start the Beachbody nutritional plan asap after birth, then once I am cleared by the doctor (hoping by week 6 or 7) I plan to start doing the Insanity exercise program for cardio and muscle building.
@fishdf Try checking out Brianna Battles. She has a program designed for postpartum. I really like her content!

I hope you find love and acceptance of yourself in this time after having a baby. Your body may never be the same, but that’s ok. You had a baby!

If you are also interested in nutrition, there are some decent nutrition coaches out there as well.
@fishdf I absolutely LOVE the Sweat app! It has two post partum programs with trainers Kayla and Kelsey and offers both gym based and home based options. I started with her BBG program a few years back and love my pre-pregnancy results. I’ve been able to keep up for the most part at 25 weeks pregnant, but will def use the PP options once little one is here and I get medical clearance! The app offers a free 7 day trial, so I’d recommend you check it out.
@fishdf I've been working with Kyra Williams for 4 years now. I'm currently 23 weeks with my first but several of her other clients have had children and worked with her postpartum. https://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/

She actually works with you on food and fitness and is not just an app or a cookie cutter workout guide.