I did it. I left him. I am not okay

@panictopeace In the beginning it is hard to leave your abuser. They have trained you to doubt yourself, and convince you that they cannot survive without you. They are not your responsibility, they are a grown adult who needs to figure out how to take care of themselves.

As you work through this, it will be hard. And there will be times you doubt yourself, bit you are strong, you will be happy again, you will get through this, and will eventually be better off. It may not seem that way, but in 5 yrs, you may even be able to look back at the bullshit you survived through, grew through, and protected your child from, and laugh at how dumb your ex really is, and how strong you have become. I know from experience.
@panictopeace The comments above already said what needs to be said. I’ll just add my raised hand that I’m proud of you, you’re strong, you’ve done the right thing, and things will get better from here. Get it, girl.
@panictopeace I was in an almost identical situation, but I was hiding out at a family member's place instead of a shelter. I was so physically ill with anxiety for days. The guilt of not letting him see her or responding to him was really tough, but he knew we were safe. You can 100% do this. It could be one of the hardest things you go through, but it will be 100% worth it in the long run.
@panictopeace I don't know if anyone else has recommended this yet, but PLEASE watch Maid on Netflix. It's about a woman, with a young daughter, dealing with the fallout of domestic abuse. It's based on the memoir of Stephanie Land, and sounds similar to your situation.

I'm proud of you!!
@panictopeace I hope you are asleep right now snuggled into your daughter and get a nice long sleep. I just want to say I am so fucking proud of you girl. You'll miss him and it will be hard and you'll second guess yourself but you've just done the absolute hardest part- now you know you can deal with anything. You deserve happiness and your daughter will thank you. You got this!!!

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