House hunting is terrible


New member
Anyone else have this struggle? I’m newly separated and have nine babies, I need at least 5 bedrooms but if possible I’d like 7 so I don’t have to put my 2 year old son with his 6 and 8 year old brothers.
@delivered2019 Yeah I am not building at this point in my life. Maybe later on when the kiddos are older.

We essentially just need to move out of our house because of the split. There’s options but everything is always 2-3 bedrooms when we need at least 5. It’s so annoying
@daps32 We have a boys room and a girls room.

Boys are 17, 15, and 4.

There are 2 bunk beds for a total of 4 beds in the room. Allows for a sleepover or a guest.

Girls are 6 and 2.

1 bunk bed, with a trundle + crib / toddler bed. 4 sleeping spaces total for them as well. The crib gets repurposed as needed, since we can use it as a crib, toddler bed or a full sized bed. Trundle and toddler bed are currently not in use.

We have curtains up for each bed (top bunk curtain hangs from ceiling, bottom bunk just drapes on the rails for the top bunk) to give each of them some privacy and a place to go to read or listen to music.
@daps32 I hear you. Hubby and I have one bedroom that the baby stays in (he’s only 2 months). The two little girls 6and 5 share a room. My 15 year old step son shares with my 8 year old son only because he’s here the least amount of time. The 17 and 15 year old girls each have their own rooms. We build a room downstairs where my 16 and 13 year old boys share a room and my 18 year old has a Harry Potter room under the stairs, he chose that over a bigger bedroom because no one ever bugs him there and it’s quiet. My house is pretty tiny but we made it work.
@mrbingie My youngest three are also two and under! I’m thinking if I have to my little dude who’s two may just share with his baby sisters, at least until he’s at the age where he’s not going to be a bother to his older brothers. He’s very well behaved but I’m thinking more that the other two like to play rough and rowdy and are very much boys and my two year old is more quiet and gentle
@daps32 That's how I have it too. My twins are 11 months and their big sister is 2. They all share a room...although the 2 year old sleeps with her big sister lol. It's chaos here.
@mrbingie I hear you. Since my husband left things have been the same. My kids keep sleeping where they want half the time. This morning my 5 year old daughter was cuddling a shirt instead of a stuffed animal because she said it looks like a stuffed animal to her in the dark. My second youngest also started walking and she already is trying to get out of her crib and she’s only 12 months old! So I might have to buy her a toddler mattress
@mathiaspius I don’t need an office just cause I keep my computer in my room. We have the desktop in the basement so the kids can play on it, otherwise I hide my laptop from them so they don’t think it’s to share
@daps32 Don’t even ask what I’m spending on the 6 bedroom house we are currently building- at cost 😂😂 I’m a realtor in the PNW and home prices are insane right now
@dreword PNW also here, I always wonder how people afford these giant houses. And then I remember they probably don’t live in the Seattle area. Feeling lucky to have gotten our 4 bedroom w/office in 2009.
I imagine your land alone cost what a house would in many parts of the country. We are looking to invest in property down the road, it’s pricey!
@ck90 The only way I can afford the house we are building is because we are home builders and are building it at cost- so about $250k off the market price.
@dreword Where I am they aren’t terrible. This is the best time to buy before the summer where the prices will jump. Right now it’s all the left over houses that didn’t sell in the fall essentially