House w Sex Offender Neighbor?

@acedeck Not sure what state you live in, but most states have levels to registration and not every level in every state needs to have their address disclosed.
@acedeck Absolute deal breaker! I’m a renter and I always scout out my new neighborhood for sex offenders. No way am I knowingly putting my kids or myself at risk.
@acedeck You could use that to drive the price down but tbh that would not be an honest concern for me outside of like, resale, people get put on the Registry for peeing in public so
@acedeck Soooo....when I first started looking for homes it was a total deal breaker. But of the 7 homes we were interested in, ALL of them had registered sex offenders in the neighborhood. I have come to accept as just a fact of life. Like lookbthatvthe record and determine your own level of risk. The one in our neighborhood solicited photos and touched a 16 year old family friend when he was 21. He is in his mid-50s now, and as far as we can tell it is his only offense.

Like I said, determine your own level of risk. Then, teach the kids to be cognizant and how to react. Ibfeel like as parents just teaching them the safety skills in life are all we can do. We'll and be vigilant ourselves....
@nassua We’ve accepted that there will be offenders in the vicinity, but decided that next door is too close to someone who only recently got out of jail
@acedeck So I am going to probably go way against the grain. I know for most its a dealbreaker but through random life happenings I became friends with someone who I found out was a registered sex offender. We had conversations about it and he deeply regrets everything he did. He spent time in prison and even lost his kids from this. I know he would never do it again and has therapy to work through his issues and also talked about how he wasn't even sure how to get therapy before going to jail since he was sure he'd end up there if he ever reached out. Anyways, all of this to say I wouldn't immediately have that as a deal breaker for myself but I know that you can't always fully know a person and you can't guarantee that this person is a changed person.

Good luck OP, sorry I don't have better advice, I'm not sure what to tell you to do since it's really just got to be you and your husband's decision.