“WhEn ArE yOu gOnNa BrInG tHe BaBy tO mY hOuSe??”

@truthandpeace Ugh.. I have a 10m old and this question is really starting to ramp up... I'm just not ready to leave out little bubble! It's hard to even take her to doctor appointments, let alone to "hang out" for their selfish reason of not always wanting to come to us ..
@truthandpeace You have nothing to feel guilty about. You just had a baby! I know some people find it difficult to set boundaries or feel like they're going to hurt someone's feelings but you need to put yourself first. Just say no. *And yes, I really think people without kids don't understand this! I still get my single friends texting me at 9pm to "come out and meet them at the bar"! ... like, I have a baby now.
@truthandpeace My ILs never come over, we always have to go to them, 20 minutes away. But it’s because we have cats and they are really allergic. My MIL also has an immunodeficiency disorder that flairs up when her allergies flair up.

So she bought baby gear for her house, everything including clothing, and we just keep the car seat in the car. It’s kind of cool to not have to pack anything but then if we stop anywhere else, we end up without things like diapers.

I like not having to host my ILs, but friends and other family better come here, and I’m not putting on makeup! (I used to always wear makeup if I was leaving the house or expected company.)
@truthandpeace I guess this might be different between cultures or even circles of friends.

Our daughter is almost 4 weeks and came home on day 3. We had most of our friends and b family asking us when they could to us to meet the baby. We haven't been asked to bring the baby anywhere yet.

Slightly OT but, my wife is Chinese and my understanding is it is custom for mom and baby to stay home for 30 days. There's also a lot of superstitious practices like not showering for those 30 days, not eating specific foods and eating customary dishes. We're not following all of this, really. It's actually been quite annoying for her friends and family constantly saying "eat this", "you shouldn't eat that". We also have eaten out at a couple restaurants recently, a couple of which are Asian restaurants and the Asian waitresses were definitely judgemental of us being out of the house already.

Also, the limited about we've been out so far, I'm not stressing about everything I need to pack... I'm sure this will change as baby gets older but right now, she doesn't need much besides a diaper bag, some food for the road, and us. There are things that might be nice to have, but can be without for a while. I'm really trying not to be a parent that needs to pack up the whole baby room to go on the road...
@truthandpeace You're right, they should come to you. But you don't need a travel bassinet, a changing table, a swing or a rocker to go visit a friend for a couple of hours?!?! xD Nappies, baby change of clothes, wipes, etc. That's all you need. The baby can be worn, or can sleep on someone's chest, you can change it on a sofa or the floor and so on.
@agadir I don’t mean I have to take the changing table and swing with me, I mean it’s more convenient for people to come to us because that stuff is at my house and I can’t just pack it up and take it with me