If you dont control the house, the house controls you

@tanzm This. As a Mom of older kids (7 year old and 12 year old), I regret trying to juggle everything myself when they were younger. I felt like it was my duty to let my husband put his feet up when he got home from work, and let my kids be kids, because they have the rest of their lives to do housework. I also tend to be very anxious about things being done a certain way (the "right" way), so I tried to just do everything myself. I did all the of the cleaning, laundry, organizing of toys, etc.

But now, I have created a monster. Instead of my children learning responsibility, guess who is stuck picking up after them. And as much as my husband deserves to put his feet up, I deserve to have some help with it. I am not the maid, but my family seems to think so. In addition to being a Mom, I am now a full time Nursing student, so any extra time I had to catch up with my kids being in school is now committed to this.

It is so much harder to break them once they are older and the bad habit is set in stone. Set expectations and start teaching them young how to pick up after themselves and be responsible for their own belongings and messes. You may have to grit your teeth when something isn't done to perfection, but it is absolutely worth it. It is easier said than done, but you will be so much happier in the long run, and your kids will be much better off for it.
@apostolicman777 Yes! Thank you! Releasing control on wanting things perfect was a huge step for me as well. Now I let my son fold clothes and towels. They are horrid but he's getting better at it, and they only way he is going to learn is by practicing. But luckily it takes him forever to fold so instead of making messes he's cleaning lol, so it's a win win.

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