How do you find the energy to keep up around the house after the kids go to bed?

@mae88 I agree with condensing bed time. Luckily I'm a little further along, 2 boys 9 and 6. Bedtime consists of them showering/getting pj's on and brushing teeth. Then we alternate reading books. I'll read to 6 yo and wife will read to 9 yo. I'll then lay with the 9 yo for 5-10 minutes while wife lays with 6 yo for 5-10 minutes. Switch next day. You are in the thick of it with your ages so it will get better.

My wife is also a teacher so the next 9 months get crazy. If you're able, we hire a cleaning crew during the school year to come twice a month to help with cleaning. We found someone for $125 a session and it's a huge help.

Also, as has been said, clean while you go. After the kids go to bed we are already done with chores. Kids help pick up, whoever cooked, the other does the dishes. But all before bedtime. That way we get to relax for an hour or so before the wife passes out and I start playing Baldurs Gate 😁
@mae88 To be perfectly honest, I sometimes don't. And by I, I mean we, me and Mom together.

Particularly with a newborn in the house, it can be ok if the messes just hang around for a while. That you didn't get to it doesn't have to mean that it's left for your wife to do, it can also mean that you'll just get back around to it later.
@mae88 Because if I don’t do the dishes tonight, the pile will be even less governable tomorrow.

It’s an endless battle, but every small win is my motivation.
@mae88 I have to keep moving until the house is cleaned up and taken care of. The second I sit down I am DONE.

Also, not gonna lie, we cheat. We have a monthly cleaner that helps us get back to a decent baseline so we have more time with the kiddo. It is well worth the offset of video games, streaming services, and a night out
@mae88 We were able to keep up with 1 kid, but with 2, it is an absolute struggle. I'm sure it'll get better once our youngest is a little older, but right now it is what it is.
@mae88 20 -30 minutes of yoga when I first get home from work. House is still abject chaos but at least I feel centered and have the energy to manage.
@mae88 I don’t. I’m a single dad, have a full time job, and have two side jobs (both related to each other but still time consuming.) So I very easily fall behind on things like dishes or laundry. I catch up on weekends (especially my childless weekends) or pay my mom to help me catch up.
@mae88 It’s hard with little kids. Unless you’re super disciplined with them putting their stuff away it’s always a battle. Once they get older it becomes easier as they’re not just arbitrarily tearing into everything. For me I did one thing. I told myself no matter what the kitchen will be completely clean every night before I go to bed. And I’ve stuck with it. So even if everything isn’t perfect. At least you have some little bit of sanity to cling to. So the kitchen has been my thing. And then I’ll let other stuff go a little.
@mae88 You said you have 3? 2 should be old enough to help lick up toys before bed. I know it is easier said than done but worth a try and teaches them good stuff....

To make it work for us, we tag team in and out while kids are awake. She makes diner, I play with kids. I clean up dinner and do dishes while she plays with the kids. We fold laundry in small fries increments randomly during the week but most of the time we just take what we need out of the baskets. For things more than this, she watches the kids for half of Sunday while I do any of the more deeper cleaning or other projects. Oh, and one vacuums while the other put pajamas on them.
@ericab I sh*t you not. I was at a restaurant bar drinking a beer when I posted this..

I did, however, clean out the bathroom and medicine cabinets before going out to dinner.