My 4 y/o told me her teacher took her to her house

@samsterzz If she’s in a public school no way could this have happened and also there is cameras. Definitely say something. Legally i dont think a teacher can even drive a child home in their car.
@samsterzz My almost 4 year old told me the teacher took his classmate to Starbucks for one of those fancy lollipops. The kicker is there is a Starbucks like 4 doors down from daycare so it IS possible.

I never go to Starbucks, don’t know what they’re called, and so he has no clue either.

I told the director, she was cautiously concerned but thought it was just his imagination or possibly confusion. Either way, she said she appreciated it and would look at cameras. She was a little weirded out. Tell the director!
@samsterzz I used to work with a man who would take children to his house. He abused so many children.
This is highly inappropriate. His excuse was that he lived nearby (we would take the older children out for a walk when the little ones were sleeping).
I'd definitely say something. I don't want to scare you but please be alert. This was a huge case in the Netherlands.


Dutch article
@samsterzz 4 year olds say a lot of things as a matter of fact that aren't true. Even smart kids.

My grandson told his teacher via online school that his older sister pushed him out of a 2nd story window. My oldest daughter at 5 told her teacher that I put out my cigarette on her chin. I didn't smoke at the time.

Ask some key questions. When did this happen? what color was her house? what did it look like on the inside? What did you do while you were there? Was it just you and the teacher? And then go from there

Making an issue before you are 100% sure its an issue could turn out to be nothing but damage will be done to their career