Do you think i would deserve Christmas presents if you had 3 F’s in school?

@kolson0319 Your grades are important. It’s self-destructive for you not to try. It’s also really stupid to imply in any way that you are owed a gift. That’s not what the word gift means.
@kolson0319 I would not ever want to tie my child’s sense of worth to their grades, so no, grades wouldn’t matter to whether or not they get xmas presents.

Also, let me tell you about my friends. I don’t live in the states so things work slightly different but still.

One didn’t finish high school, he didn’t get good grades and dropped out. A few years later he decided he wanted to go to uni anyways, and spent some years reading the courses he missed. He ended up completing a bachelor program and is currently almost finished with his phd in neuroscience.

Another finished high school, but with more fail’s than passes. He got two kids shortly out of high school and spent a few years working and taking care of his family. Eventually he realized he wanted to be a nurse, did catch up work on his hs courses, went through a nursing program and now he’s finished and working as a nurse.

Point is, grades matter yes, but it’s never too late to fix it if going to college is what you want to do. There are also other alternatives to college, trade school or apprenticeship fx.
@kolson0319 Oh my goodness why would a child have to earn their Christmas presents through academic success?

Also you don’t have to go to university. Particularly if you are already failing several subjects in year 10. University is going to be very challenging and could just end up being a huge waste of money. There are plenty of other potential careers that can earn great money that don’t require university. Trades being one and
business entrepreneurship another. There’s a lot of opportunity in life outside of academics, and ultimately in the grand scheme of decades of life, 3 fails in year 10 will mean nothing.
@kolson0319 A grandma here…Christmas presents shouldn’t be tied to school performance.

One thing I know…you treat a kid like shit at Xmas on purpose like this and there’s zero chance the kid will want to do better in school after winter break.