do you tell your pediatrician?

@katrina2017 Yeah that’s what I’m worried about. We like her so far, but at the last appointment she said we should start putting her down “drowsy but awake” and not have her depend on feeding to sleep. didn’t really give any reasons why until we were talking about teething and she was like “oh yeah that’s a reason, when they get teeth, feeding to sleep will give her cavities because the milk is sitting there all night” so I was already a little put off by that. so when she asked right after about where she sleeps, I felt like I would be lectured or judged so I just lied
@tjschaffer Yeah I get that, we haven't taken her to another doctor since. There's just no need unless we feel something is wrong. But my 12 month old nurses to sleep for all naps and bedtime still, and I don't plan on stopping until she does 🤷🏼‍♀️ I mean it's baby teeth, they are gonna fall out anyways if that's such an issue. My husbands the oldest of 7 and his mama coslept and nursed to sleep with all of them
@tjschaffer I told mine the truth. But I really like her we click well. She didn't have an issue with it just gently advised me of safe practices and told me that she was supposed to tell me not.
@tjschaffer I didn't realize it was something people hide from pediatricians; when ours asked "does she sleep in a bassinet or a crib?" I just said "she sleeps with us!" And she gave us a few safety tips and we went about the appointment.
@tjschaffer I hate this so much because pediatricians should be educating everyone on safe sleep 7 for safer bed sharing.

But no I don’t tell. There have been people accused of child abuse for bed sharing. As disgusting as that is.
@tjschaffer One of the reasons we selected our ped is because he’s a huge supporter of safe cosleeping. He’s got 4 kids and their bedroom was just one big floor bed that the whole family slept in together (those kids are now grown and he’s a grandpa). So yes, we talk about it with him! Also in the US.
@tjschaffer I told my son’s pediatrician at his last visit (2 months) and she said she was totally fine with it. She even said “there’s safe ways to do it so it’s not a big deal”
She’s a mother herself and has 3 kids so I think she gets it.

She’s cool, we really like her.
@tjschaffer If you feel there is a risk of being lectured and just don’t want to deal with it, lie. I personally don’t care what they think and feel the stigma should be erased and so would encourage you to be honest.
Who knows maybe they’ll be relatable and actually offer you decent support
@tjschaffer I have been thinking about this question for two months now. Her 6 month appointment is next week and I know the pediatrician is going to ask, and I know she’s very much against bedsharing. So I think I’m just going to lie. Parenting is hard enough as it is, and I don’t want to hear it.
@tjschaffer I'm not in America and we don't see a pediatrician or anyone (no health visitors, children's nurses etc - people got weird when I mentioned this) but if I did I would definitely not tell them. It's nothing to do with them
@tjschaffer I coslept/cosleep currently (6wk old) from day 1 and never tell them. I confidently reply. The baby is in the same room in a bassinet/crib. Doctors unfortunately have to go off a lot of blanket statements they learned in school, they sort of have a legal obligation to do so. I really have no obligation to tell them unless it was medically necessary and it had some effect on the child and the child's health. We actually just changed pediatricians because my old one was not fond of the idea of homeschooling and kept pushing me and judging me for not putting my toddlers and daycare at least one day a week.... As long as your baby is happy and healthy, you do you!
@tjschaffer I cosleep and have told him from the beginning. I just don’t care about the judgement over it my daughter is happy and healthy that’s all that should matter not whether she sleeps in my bed or in a crib. Just like fed is best. Rested is best!
@tjschaffer Nope. I said one time I held her while she slept because she was sick and couldn’t be on her back. The dr recommended letting her sleep strapped in her car seat on the floor because that’s safer than cosleeping. Like ok lady