Do you tell your pediatrician you’re bedsharing ?


New member
We came back from our two-month appointment earlier today and everytime we go see our pediatrician, we get asked if our daughter is still sleeping on her back, in her own crib ( which she did for a total of 2 nights since birth lol)…

To which, I completely fucking lie and say “yes” while my husband always looks at me all worried knowing it’s a lie and that our 9 week old, exclusively breastfeed daughter will only sleep with one of us.

I lie because my pediatrician doesn’t seem too relaxed about things. I’m not sure if it’s protocol for them to scare the shit out of you if you admit you bedshare or for them to just respectful remind you of the safe 7.

Do you tell your pediatrician? If so what is their reaction?
@person47 When my ped asked and I answered honestly we were cosleeping she proceeded to tell me about a family in med school who lost their baby that way. It’s too bad she had to share a tragedy instead of providing support and information about safer sleep.
@nectarius Definitely too bad. Makes me want to switch pediatricians to a “crunchier” more relaxed office. I feel like mine would give me a scolding if I was honest and potentially scare my husband out of trusting my maternal instincts.
@nectarius I’ll never understand this.. they know that majority of the world bedshares and over 60% of Americans have publicly said they bedshare. Medical professionals literally bedshare. Everyone does, even if they don’t want to. Instead of scaring tf out of mothers, we need to be taught how to safely sleep next to our baby so we don’t get sleep deprived and accidentally roll onto them in a deep sleep.
@katrina2017 She says something like “ok, according to the AAP I can only say that sleep alone on their back is safest, but (reviews safe sleep 7)”
It’s never been an issue.
@person47 Yes, but I have a very good and understanding pediatrician that’s supportive of parents and their decisions. She’s totally fine with me cosleeping.
@person47 it’s funny you asked this…we just had our 6 month app and our baby has been bedsharing for the last 3 weeks and i lied for fear of judgment. i was telling her he’s been having a lot of sleep issues but i failed to say the solution to getting at least 3 hour stretches lol
@person47 Nope. In PA they’re mandated to report… & a lot of them certainly will… & with what shows in my medical history from my past life, definitely not sharing this information.