Being a single rant


New member
I just need to rant. I love being a mom. I love taking care of my son. Don’t get me wrong but no one tells you how lonely it is. I’m not looking for sympathy I just need to vent.

I am a single parent of one. Not by choice, but the father was an A.H. And left me to do it alone. I was fine with it ‘cause he was/is abusive. Still to this day towards me but that’s another story for another day.

When I was 26 I was living my best life sort of speak. I had a good run in my twenties. I don’t regret anything. (Except meeting my child’s dad) I was working and just living life. It was lonely through . I don’t have the greatest family. I was going through a lot at the time. Not having a good relationship with my family was one of them. I come from a toxic family where my mom is a narcissist and since I was young she didn’t really love me. So our relationship was always very rocky and it did affect my relationships with my siblings alot.

That’s where I always had this void inside of me where I always graved having a family. Cause I missed being apart of something and just the overall feeling of belonging somewhere. I missed what that felt like when I was little before my mom left my dad. she left him when I was 14 that’s when my life was shit. My family fell apart after that and with her she didn’t know how be a parent.
I lived alone a lot. I moved around a lot. And it was lonely. My family has this annoying tendency of excluding me from family functions or get togethers . They would next to never call me or visit me where I was living which was not far away at all. They would frequently go to the city where I lived but never stop by or message. If I didn’t text them first I would NEVER hear from them. So being stupid at the time, I had this big bright idea that I would start dating and create a family of my own.. so I started dating and the experience was horrible. I hate dating. Especially when all people are looking for is one nighties. Or you end up meeting a needy/controlling/ and abusive psychopath. (Like my child’s dad)

Anyways I ended up being a single mom instead.

It was okay at first . We were doing so well. I never struggled financially or went without. My son always had what needs and wants. But it’s very lonely. . I am currently stuffing with post something depression after you have a child. Makes sense but it it doesn’t change the fact I struggle with loneliness. My family still don’t visit or call or text. My other siblings are married and have complete families. They often do stuff together and take their kids on trips etc. but they never invite me or my child. Same shit. Idk why I thought now that I had a child they would bother with me more 🤷🏻‍♀️ I don’t have friends anymore since having a child. That’s my fault for only having friends that drink and party. I tried going to single mom groups but the one where I live only do Tuesday mornings and I work full time. I have proper I talk to at work but I’m not FRIENDS with them. A lot of them don’t have kids. Or are married and busy with their families.

So as a single mother, it’s hard to make new friends as I find out.
Dating is out of the question. I have no time and when I do I’m so exhausted and have a hyper 3 yr old.
It bothers me every day that I failed to provide my son with a complete family. I know he also gets lonely at times when it’s just us all the time and it makes me sad. So thankful for daycare . Helps.
It never bothered me before when we go on “our “ family trips . Like going shopping , or when I take my son out to indoor play places , or a road trip to the mountains etc. but now it does. I hate doing it alone. Especially when I see other parents doing shit together. Like idk 🤷🏻‍♀️ I wish I had someone to do this shit with too.
I wish I had someone me and my son can come home to . I wish I had another adult in the house I can talk to about my day at work. I obviously can’t talk to my son like that . He’s 3 lol I love him tho.
Idk. Got long writing this. Bottom line it’s just very lonely and it sucks sometimes.
@jcphan47 Guess what? In a year or two that little human will seem more like a friend. You will go on little adventures discovering the world and re experiencing its wondrousness through their eyes. You will find joy and laugh at the same things. Eventually you will gain the confidence to travel abroad together and create some of the best memories for the both of you. The fact that you realise that you come from a dysfunctional family tells me that you are already breaking that cycle. Your kid will be your best friend and that time goes by faster than you think. I am just trying to say, hang in there, it does get easier.
@innocent7 This is great advice. When it’s just me and my kids I tend to talk out loud to them about what I’m thinking but as if they completely understand and occasionally I’m shocked when my three year old responds so maturely.
@jcphan47 Hello, I feel your pain! I was raised by a narc mom, and all that you described I lived as well. You are better off away from your family because your narcissist mom likely turned them all against you just like my mom did to me. Trust me when I say that being away from them is best. I stayed near mine, and they all damaged me in ways that I'm still healing from. I, too, didn't want to be alone. But I realized that I was better off alone! You will meet other single moms or other moms. Do not force anything cause it will happen naturally. Your mom is the reason why you fell into a toxic relationship. She caused you a lot of damage. You can try therapy to help you heal so that you can understand why you chose the partner you did. You might meet someone in a similar circumstance there that will be a support for you. Of course, I sympathize with you. You survived being a child of the worst type of parent/monster a narcissist. A real family will come your way and you will meet the right partner for you.
@jcphan47 I was a single parent too.. and remember the pain of loneliness and abandonment from family who all had partners...

I even paid a childminder so my son had kids to play with because I didn't know anyone... also lived in a new area after the split so totally new to the area...

But my life eventually changed when my son went to school... and I met lots of new people and made lots of new sons friends were my friends kids...

If I was back there again....I think I'd have got involved in pre school groups...but I was really shy and couldn't face it...

Look for single parent groups in your area maybe?

Also I didn't home 24/7...

Join netmums... and do a friend request. Wish that was around for me...

And make time just for you!! Good will get better xxx
@katrina2017 Some larger towns have Parents Without Partners groups. I was married when I learned about it so didn't need it then...I moved to another town that doesn't have that group. Ugh. I supposedly co parent with my ex but he so worried about his health that he barely patents IMO and is just there physically. I'm on meds for depression and ADHD but he's depressed too...not a doctor but I've witnessed him for 20 years now...hang in will eventually meet people.
@jcphan47 Weirdly enough my story is very similar.. it does wear on you after awhile. I have just accepted that I most likely won’t find another man to share my life with because A. I don’t open up easily B. Online dating is a joke C. I just haven’t seen anyone who catches my eye. I empathize with you…
@jcphan47 Same situation even when I had my first one at 17, becoming a single mom and now to the flip side of feeling single while married. It's not easy. But going through it I had the same mindset and did on the married end as well. Changing my perspective always helped me out. So when reading all I wanted to do was hug you, and hopefully, this perspective change helps you. When having that void of family, because it can really fudge you up mentally. I started to focus only on me and my son. And when I noticed that me thinking of it as me and my son... was damaging my progress and making the void bigger.

That family you so desperately crave, you have it. You created your family and are creating a better one that you as a child wanted so badly. Might not be as big at first. But you and your kiddo are your family that you created.

Now let me give some perspective change from someone who wanted it too so badly and felt like being on my own was worse then being with "a partner." You can and will find plenty of POS like baby daddy who is more deceiving than him. They will play the part and wait until you get too comfortable to then show you who they really are. Then you find out after abandoning your career/ friends and progress because he seems promising, you find yourself alone and still a single mom, while trying to make a one-sided relationship work. So don't be like me and trade loneliness for another type of loneliness.

Take your time, and build yourself up. Work on yourself for not only you but also your child and potential future partner. When jumping from a situation you are in control of because of one factor, thinking it'll fill that void. Is when you can potentially get into a whole nother world of issues that you never had being on your own.

take the time, when you're ready you'll find someone. And you won't be in such a rush to settle down because of loneliness. You'll be fulfilled and happy to take the time to find the right one.

Much love, you will find your group of people. Adult friends with kids are the same as HS in a sense. The first click of friends you find doesn't always turn out to be the one you want to pour your effort and time into. Wait and really find those who understand completely but also want to give time to you.
@jcphan47 Wow. All I can say is your story is pretty much identical to mine except I'm 32 and my son is 7 and my family is super small so I lack that, but I compare myself to all of the two parent households around me who are constantly reminding me of my loneliness. Like damn, wouldn't it be nice to have someone help out with chores?! School drop offs/pick ups? To share your day with? To vent to on hard days? To laugh with?! The little things... I know how you're feeling all too well. I wish I had advice but of course, I feel the same way and just wanted to say that I see you, I hear you and I understand.

I hope that life hands out plot twists for the both of us very soon.
@jcphan47 I'm a single mom of 6. I get it. I've got no real friends and am quite alone. I'm ok with it. No family to speak of. The kids get older and things change. It circles back around to you. Being your own bestie. Dating yourself. Taking yourself on vacation.. If your child sees you modeling self love than that's quite the gift you're giving them.
@jcphan47 Hi and I know what your saying as I’m 50 and a single dad of 2 boys and haven’t dated for 8 years and while I don’t want to be in relationship I’m hating the fact I don’t ever speak to a woman and it won’t change coz I’m so daddyd up I have a stone wall between me and other people plus my kids sap every bit of emotion , time and energy from me ?? It’s very hard when you have standards don’t you think ?? I feel invisible sometimes coz I never even get a wink or a hi ? Pretty scary at my age

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