Thinking about being OAD because first born is so easy??

@brhjz Me to! My daughter is our literal jackpot.

My grandmother said an old wives tale I guess, that the first baby is always the best baby. It’s natures design to lull you into another.
@brhjz My son started sleeping through the night at 4 months. He’s got a very strong personality but he is equally joyous.

I also hated being pregnant and had a traumatic birth. Our son spent 6 weeks in the NICU and thankfully doesn’t have any health issues. He will be 2 soon.

Plus they are expensive lol

I never say never but as time continues my husband and I feel OAD.
@brhjz I felt this way as well. My kiddo slept like 6 hours stretches at 5 weeks. I figured there was no way I’d get that lucky again. No colic. No fussiness. Overall happy baby. Plus a toddler that enjoyed naps. I could not dream of getting the lotto twice

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