Annoying comments about my son being small

@charismaticace I hate these comments because she didn’t eat a lot as a baby so she’s in the lower percentiles (1-3) and I’ve always wondered if I could have done something different. My sisters kid is three months and already a pound off from where my kid was at a year old. People don’t mean hurtful things but it’s not polite to comment on an adults weight so why do people do it with kids?
@charismaticace I’m not sure if you are a man/woman but it may be different for men vs women. My nephew is 14 almost 15 and on the short side. He has a cousin who is 4 months younger than him and very tall. People constantly make comments about him being so small and his cousin being so tall. It bothers my shorter nephew and always has. He constantly tells me he “probably will hit another growth spurt” and get taller. I try to encourage him that whatever size he is is just fine but he definitely is bothered by the comments.
@ededmills I totally get that! I am a woman just to clarify. I was responding only to how the OP feels not necessarily her child. But absolutely people are going to make comments on your appearance whether you’re tall or short and it’s all about making that person feel confident in their appearance especially with something like height which you cannot change.
@charismaticace Oh for sure. If OP shows the comments upset her, her kid might get self conscious just from that. Parenting is so tough.

My son is really tall so we get the “oh he’s so tall! He’s going to be a basketball player!” Comments a lot. I try to laugh most of that stuff off.
@charismaticace That's how I see it too. I am way shorter than my husband. My 7 year old is taller for her age, always has been. People are always commenting on her height. I also have a 3 month old son and already people are saying he is tall for his age as well,like seriously!?
People will always comment, I just listen, smile and go on about my day.
@pentie2003 I've found that people (who aren't close to you) often make comments like this because they literally don't know anything else about the kid, or they haven't yet realized this is a human they are talking about who has stuff going on beyond existing in a physical body.

You could respond the same way you would if they said "he's brunette" or "he's wearing shoes," or just ignore it entirely and change the subject to something else about the kid. Acknowledge their observation with an "m hm" and move along.

Them: He's so small!

You: Yep. He's all about playing in the sandbox lately.
@pentie2003 My son was small for his age, now he’s three and average sized and 50-60th percentile.

I always told everyone that he was average sized even when he was small and made them feel dumb for asking.
@pentie2003 Yes! Another one my husband used to come back with is “I’m 6ft, and the shortest of my brothers, I doubt he will be short.” And then he paused and let them comment on his height.
@pentie2003 Unfortunately these comments will continue for his entire life. Height and size are definitely something people notice throughout life, particularly in athletics and professional environments. The important thing is that your son doesn't get too bothered by it and instead finds his own strengths.
@jjc911 This is true.

Source: am an all round average person who was very scrawny growing up. Try your best to not let is affect you because the reality is that you can't change your kids size, which isn't even a bad thing. We all come in different shapes and sizes. When people used to tease me about my height/build/lack of a tan etc, I'd just say, "It's not like I went to the shop and picked my body, but you specifically chose to say what you did and it's not appreciated." More often than not that would end the conversation.
@pentie2003 Everyone has an opinion about something to do with your kid, your parenting, the colour of your shoes, the grubby child stains on your hoody or sweats… 😂🤷‍♀️ try not to take any notice. The same people would have an opinion if he was bigger than the average they have in their eyes too. I just tell people while looking them directly in the eyes, “what do you mean by that?” & after they’ve stuttered for a minute or so that they need to keep their comments to themselves…
I had a preemie so I was quite sensitive to it for a while but it’s just noise I can do without. She’s a dink. So what? I asked someone once “Are you insinuating I don’t feed my child or that your daughter overfeeds your grandchildren?” We don’t talk anymore #win 😂😂😂
@pentie2003 I feel this. My firstborn is also on the shorter side although he was born at 9lb-ish. It drives me crazy when people act like it's not a good thing. Fuck those body shamers! Short is good, tall is good, it's all good!
@pentie2003 I hate this comments about my toddler being small too. It’s like triggering all of my insecurities about my own height and also the fact that she is a picky eater.
I’ve gotten better at deflecting it (it’s better than being obese! I started to say back lol) but man, it was hard to hear in the early days.
@pentie2003 "Yeah he doesn't like to sit and watch TV all day, he's very active and loves to eat vegetables. He even volunteers at the homeless shelter and loves mountain climbing."
@pentie2003 target what every other parent feels like their child isnt good at and rub it in. Sleeping, eating, tantrums, thankfulness, speech/vocabulary. Do whatever you can to talk UP your son during these moments instead of trying to survive them pushing your son down.

HE SMOL. "You should see how he tells me he loves me in the morning and lets me sleep in."
@pentie2003 I have the opposite problem. People are always commenting on how huge my son is. He's soon to be 3 and in 4t-5t clothes, he's tall and he's beefy. I get sick of hearing comments like ohhh future linebacker right there or oh I bet he's gonna play sports. The unsolicited comments are annoying as hell to me, so I relate in that sense. As far as coping? I try to just brush it off and tell myself they're just trying to be polite and show interest, and I'm probably the only one who's taking this negatively.