Annoying comments about my son being small

@pentie2003 My son was always on the smaller side while my nephews were always mammoths. They are all grown now and my son is still the smallest of the boy cousins, but my son is in the Air Force so he has some self assurance about himself.
@pentie2003 Both my babies were smaller (6 lbs even and 6 lbs 10 oz) and I was induced at 37 weeks for both. They were both tiny for the first few months but then caught up and were bigger (well, my youngest has been chunkier but not tall- and my oldest has been taller and broader)- but I remember how many comments we got when they were tiny and I didn’t like it. Lots of people asked if they were preemies, and it always made me feel like I was doing something wrong like not feeding them enough or something. You could just lean into it and be like “He’s my sweet little guy- isn’t he adorable?” or if he’s not really that small percentile wise you could say “oh haha actually he’s about average percentile wise according to his doctor.”
@pentie2003 I get this so much from my MIL about my son. Last time I looked at her and said “when I saw baby pictures of your son (his father), I stopped worrying so much because he was so small too!” Lolol I turned that around on her and now she mostly makes comments about how picky he is because he doesn’t eat when he’s there, mostly because she’ll serve dinner at 340 when we ate lunch at 130.
@katrina2017 Lmao! My mom told me to say this to my FIL because both my husband and his brother are exactly 6’0 but his dad is shorter and his mom is around 5’5 or 5’6. My mom said “we’ll it seems to run in the family.”
@pentie2003 My son is the same. He’s 3.5 and the size of a 2 year old. I have to clarify his age often. People do think he’s a genius because they wonder why this 2 year old “speaks so well”. I am sensitive about my own height so I take it to heart even though I know it’s just an observation. I have started saying he’s perfect sized. I have also started telling him that I am short and that I love being short :)
@pentie2003 My son is a 10th percentile little dude. He’s perfectly healthy. Doctor is happy, I’m happy. He’s 11 months and eating me out of house and home.

All the other babies in my family are 90th or higher. My little dude was the shock of the century but anyone who comments negatively on his size gets my wrath.
@pentie2003 I just want to say people always comment on how absolutely huge my kiddos are. They were huge when they were born, and huge now. Their BMI is perfect and as long as the pediatrician is happy, I’m happy.

I think it’s entirely possible people are just saying it to have something to say. I think a lot of that just comes from people trying to place what kids are doing at whatever age. “Ohh you’re small for 2! Is he talking much?” If you don’t have a kid the same age it’s easy to forget (even now with a toddler I forget what babies are doing. When did they roll over?)

If it does feel like they’re being negative just say “his doctor says he’s totally fine!” And move on.
@pentie2003 I get the same comments... my daughter has a slender build and at 3 only weighs 28 lbs however she is quite tall. I have a similar build. When people make comments I just say that we come in all shapes and sizes, she is exactly as she is meant to be. Doctor isn't concerned as long as she keeps growing why should I be concerned?

To be honest though I work with infants that weigh more than my daughter at under a year old. I think it has just become more of a cultural norm to have bigger babies. My girl is still perfect the way she is as long as she is healthy and happy.
@pentie2003 When my daughter was 2 she was smaller than her peers by quite a lot. She's 3 and a half now and one of the tallest at her nursery! Don't worry, he's fine! Tell everyone else to mind their own business!